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////////////A/N: Double upload because I am SO nice!/////////////////////

1912, 15th April (12:20)

The deck slowly began to fill with more and more people asking what was wrong and what the loud noise was. Phil finally found a crew member who was telling a woman and her child to fetch their life vests from their cabin.

"What happened?" Phil asked, growing more and more worried. He had yet to find out where the dreadful noise had come from earlier.

"Nothing to worry about sir, the ship seems to have taken a minor hit and we are preparing to put women and children on the safety boats as a precautionary measure." The crew member answered calmly. "Sir I recommend you return to your cabin and put on your life vest." Phil was confused by this. If there was no issue, why would he need a life vest?

"Are you sure the ship has only suffered minor damage?" Phil asked disbelievingly.

"Yes sir, remember she's unsinkable! We've got workers down stairs working to repair her right now. It's only protocol for us to ask everyone to wear their life vests." The crew member answered.

"Alright. Thank you." Phil turned and began walking around the deck looking for a familiar face. Minutes passed and a lifeboat had already been lowered. The deck was filled with people looking worried, tired children were rubbing the sleep from their eyes as their mother's rushed them towards boats.

A boy, who Phil recognizes as Dan's brother, emerges from the crowd and jogs towards Phil.

"Phil?" Dan's brother asks.


The boy pulls out a small key that Phil recognizes is a cabin key and gives it to him. Phil reads the number on it '22a.'

"I stole this from my father. He's locked my brother, Dan, in our cabin because he's mad at him. He doesn't believe there's anything to worry about, but I've got a bad feeling this ship isn't as unsinkable as everyone seems to think. Could you please get my brother out of that room before something bad happens? I've seen you with him. I know you really like him."

Phil gripped the key tightly and nodded. "I'll get him out, room 22a?" The boy nodded and thanked Phil before running off back into the crowd.

Phil pushed his way through the crowd, earning a few glares, but he didn't care, he needed to rescue Dan. He made it to the stairs and ran down them, past the restaurant, through the many halls, and all the way down to the first class rooms. He ran down the first hall with the wall labeled "a" and counted down the rooms. He noticed a cold sensation around his ankles and looked down to see water. To his horror, the more he went down the hall, the more the water was rising. He knew now that Dan's brother was right, they were in real trouble. Phil rolled up his trousers around his calves and continued on until he got to room 22a. The water was now at his knees and still steadily rising. He fished the key from his coat pocket and fumbled with the lock. Finally, the key turned, and Phil forced the door open.

He saw Dan standing on one of the beds in the room with a life vest over his coat. He was shivering and crying, screaming desperately for help.

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