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Okay, I was listening to this music as I wrote the prologue, and I realized I was writing about pirate's as well, and I was like 'oh, well would you lookie here! It's a perfect song to fit this situation!' so I added it. Of course, you don't have to play it was you read, considering for some people it's hard to read when music is in the background sometimes, perfectly understandable! I just thought this would go along well with the scene. I just repeated myself, great xD. But anyways, enjoy the prologue!

Prologue Start

Screams erupted in the cool night air, light flickering up toward the sky as loud bangs rang out against the symphony of terrified villagers, shadowed figures filing in past the iron gates and pulling out swords that gleamed in the moonlight, reflecting the calm face of the stars as they dived into battle, stabbing whatever they could get their hands on.

Civilians were dragged from homes, women thrown to the floor and men killed, blood splattering onto the ground and limp bodies. Children sat crying near their deceased parents, grabbing desperately onto them and hollering when hands gripped their ragged clothing and dragged them away, later murdering them. Weapons were flying as soldiers and bodyguards joined the fray, each falling with blood soaking their armor and dripping down their gradually paling skin.

A boy ran through the night, panting in a panic as he swiped some straw shaded hair away from his orbs, eyes darting around as he pushed forward, shoeless feet smacking against the dull cobblestone street as he leaped over puddles of blood, sweat forming on his forehead and sliding into his face. He pushed off the wall, skidding around a corner and leaping into an empty cart. The momentum nudged it forward, wooden wheel creaking slowly before giving way, driving the child straight toward the beach.

Shrinking down into the tight space, the boy tried to block out the squelching of muscle hitting blade and the dull thuds of bodies landing silently on the ground, staring up blankly at the sky, face twisted into an eternal scream of fear and pain. Whimpers pitifully emitted from his mouth, molten gold eyes frantically searching the interior before snatching up a dull nail and holding it tightly in his fist, pulling it close to his body as a silver locket bouncing against his chest, a light tinkling noise being drawn from the thin chains.

His knuckles were white with fear, tightly holding onto the piles of hay that were being held in his makeshift transportation device as it thumped down the road, clattering loudly yet somehow making it through the fighting without being seen or heard. Maybe they thought it to be a stray and insignificant, holding useless cargo that they couldn't use out at sea. Of course, it was carrying something much for precious, something they had come here seeking for.

The blond cried out softly as a deep crimson liquid splashed onto his leather pants, a metallic scent wafting up to meet his face. Wrinkling his nose, the boy silently dug it into the collar of the cotton shirt, muffling the smell for now. The wheels skidded to a stop as it entered the sandbank, throwing him out, as he was unprepared to reach his destination so soon. Stepping closer to the water, the boy looked back one more time at the now burning town.

Heat radiated off of it, slapping his skin harshly as smoke billowed out of countless homes, doors splintered or pried open and the dead everywhere. He couldn't see his parents, or his brother, when he woke up to a pillaging, so he had tearfully assumed them to be happily in the afterlife, up with the ghosts of his ancestors. Shivering from a gust of cold wind that hit him, the child hurried toward the shore, already in the process of taking his top off.

Running toward the ocean, he hopped for a couple of steps, removing his pants and socks and gritting his teeth at the frigid air. It'll be better when you get into the water. He reminded himself, shivering violently and rubbing his arms in a pathetic attempt to become warm. Dipping his toe in the water, he hissed, drawing it out immediately and frowning at the already numb sensation growing in his foot. It was a sudden drop that led straight to the body of water, surface only a few feet below him.

Well, it was now or never, he decided, cringing at the knife wound he had managed to achieve on his way to the alley. It was in a strange shape of a triangle, prominently standing out from the rest of his skin and gushing blood like no tomorrow. Inhaling slowly to ease the pain, the boy plugged his nose with one hand, gripped his locket with the other, and jumped.

When he felt his body emerge in water, he opened his eyes, looking around curiously before feeling his legs stiffen. Freezing, he looked down, eyes widening in fear as the limbs wound themselves together, melding bone and muscles together as they started taking on a yellow tint. His skin started to crack, feet shifting, becoming boneless and thin. The area on the side of his neck and torso split apart, forming gills as the water around his eyes lit up in a golden hue, similar to his eye color. A dorsal fin sprouted from his back, fingers knitting themselves closer together and webbing his fingers. His fingernails thickened, sharpening to a deadly point as his jaw cracked, shifting into one more of an angular shape, and his teeth became needle-like points, tongue thinning and forking. The burning of his injury disappeared, instead reforming on his forearms.

The water warmed up considerably, rising to an almost tolerable temperature as he examined his new form. The only reason why the transformation didn't hurt, the boy figured, was because his body was already numb from the cold of the water, and the burning from the back was from a venerable wound, one which had been in saltwater temporarily. Flicking his tail as an experiment, the child fit the jewelry on his neck so that it safely rested on his bony chest.

There was a flash of gold, then he was gone.

Prologue End

The ending was kind of intense, wasn't it? Apologies for the constant use of the same word, I couldn't think of any other. Brain fart! :P anyway, I think this turned out well compared to the other book I recently published, don'tcha think? It definitely is longer, I have to say. I'll try to update often, but since final exams are coming up, and I have some serious grade-changing projects due soon, I probably won't be on a lot. But when summer break starts, You'll be seeing more chapters! Though, most of the day I'll be in, I'll try.

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