Chapter 1

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*****Kára Odinsdottir's POV*****

"Good Morning Father," I smile as I take my seat beside him. "Hello Daughter. Have you seen your brothers today?" He replies. I shake my head and he lets out a sigh of annoyance. "FATHER! LOKI HAS BEEN USING MAGIC ON ME!" Thor's small but loud voice rings echoes into the room. I watch as he runs in and over to me. "Can you make it better, Kára?" He asks quietly. I nod and take his arm into my hand. I pull his sleeve up to see blue marks on his skin. I press a finger on it and jerk it away as I feel the coldness. I sigh and place my free hand on his arm, a green light being produced. I pull my hand away to see the blue patches gone and the skin back to its normal temperature. His arms wrap around me quickly and I hug him close. The door slams open and I look up to see Loki entering with a grumpy look. He sends me a glare and moves to sit beside our Mother. "Mother I was wondering if I could go down to the Bifrost Bridge today after classes?" I hear Loki say. "I'm afraid you cannot go on your own. Thor and Kára will have to accompany you there for something bad may happen while you are there," Mother states. "Father? When will I be as skilled as Kára when it comes to combat?" Thor asks, causing me to send him a wide smile. "Obviously never Brother! She is a weakling who does not deserve to be first in line for the throne!" Loki calls, glaring at me. Father stands up and points to the door. "Out Loki! I will oversee your training later. Kára go get ready. I will be showing you and Thor the Bifrost and how to see into the nine realms," Father states. I nod and run out quickly.

I look at my Valkyrie armour on its stand with a smile after pulling my dark blue cloak my white day dress, the emblems of the Valkyrie, Asgard, Life and the Infinity Stones. I place my swords into the sheaths on my back and my daggers go into the ones at my waist. I quickly take off running to meet Father and Thor at the Bifrost Bridge.

I walk with Thor out of the Bifrost after Father had to leave for Loki's training only to see Loki himself standing there. I pull out a sword as I see Loki point his spear at me after he flings Thor back into the Bifrost. "Sister. We have known this would be coming for a while now. So, let us just get this over with?" He calls. I step back as he begins walking closer. "I have finally finished my training with a spear so let us see if I can defeat the Princess of Asgard," He laughs and goes to stabs his spear only for me to block the attack with a white crystal, only for Loki and the spear to disappear. I scream in pain as something stabs into my back. He quickly pulls the spear out and kicks me down. I fall off the bridge and grip onto the edge with one hand the other gripping my injury. Loki crouches beside my hand and pulls out a knife, laughing happily. He stabs it into my hand and pulls it out. My hand releases its grip on the bridge, and I fall at a rapid speed. "KÁRA!" I hear Thor scream in horror.

***Almost 800 years later***

*****Clint's POV*****

I arrive at the Shield HQ after a mission, only to be tossed into the water as something smashes into me. I swim quickly to the surface and look around to see blood raising in the water around me. I look down to see a woman laying at the bottom of the water. I swim down quickly and pull her up to the surface as agents run out of HQ to help me. I swim back to the shore, and agents quickly pull her up, laying her on her side before pulling me out. "I'll get her to the medical wing, everyone back to work," I call and lift the woman up, speed walking inside.

I pace the corridor of the medical bay, waiting for news on the woman. "Barton!" A male voice yells. I turn to see Agent Coulson stepping out of the room. "How is she?" I ask, stopping in front of him. "She's awake and we've got her first name, but she doesn't remember anything else. Agent Hill took the clothes she had to the lab since there's something in it and she'll bring some new clothes back. The weapons she had are going into storage for now, along with her clothes once the lab is finished with them," Phil explains. My eyebrows raise in shock as he begins to walk away. "What's her name?" I call as he goes to turn the corner. He turns his head and takes a deep breath. "Kára," He states and leaves.

I stare at the pictures of Kára's clothes, symbols that were stitched into the fabrics now shown on the screen. "Norse symbols. This one is the Helm of Awe, meaning protection and victory. Yggdrasil is the Tree of Life or the World Tree. Web of Wyrd, meaning everything is bound to fate. There's also other symbols and a tattoo on her arm that we don't understand," Fury explains, pointing out things.

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