Chapter 3

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*****Polaris' POV*****

***3 months later***

I sit cuddling with Clint and Caitlin watching Tangled as Noah takes his afternoon nap in the nursery. I smile as the floating lanterns all float up to the sky and another image flashes through my mind. A few boats floating across the water as everyone on land releases orbs. I spot my younger self, with braided hair and dressed in a flowing light blue gown, watching sadly from beside the man from from my previous memory flash. I focus on the face on the man but fail to see anything past the blurs.

***9 months later***

I walk into the house, carrying the sleeping kids, to see Clint waiting with arms stretched out to take one of our kids up to their bedroom. I sigh in annoyance and walk past him quickly. "Hey, hey, hey! What's wrong?!" Clint calls after me as he follows after me while I head up the stairs. He plucks Noah from my grasp as I struggle to open Caitlin's bedroom and opens the door for me before walking to Noah's room.

I sit silently across from Clint in the living room with my arms crossed. "You disappeared for 8 months. What were you thinking? The kids and I were worried about you," I say quietly. Clint sighs and wipes his eyes. "Fury appeared when you were with the kids at the doctors office and told me I had to watch over this official S.H.I.E.L.D science experiment. I had to leave immediately and head there. Things went bad and I was under this guy's mind control. Then Nat showed up and snapped me out of it when I was trying to free the guy who was in control of me. We had to head to New York and stop the guy, who I found out was called Loki. His brother Thor, the hammer guy from New Mexico, Tony Stark, the guy from Natasha's mission at the same time, Bruce Banner, the guy who is the Hulk, and Steve Rogers, the guy who we fished out if the ocean a year ago, we all battled his army and won. Now here I am and I'm very sorry I didn't tell you where I was," Clint explains, standing up and moving to sit next to me. I nod and pull him into a hug, which he returns tightly.

I walk into the kitchen the next morning and shove the axe into Clint's arms. "It's nearly winter and you've got a lot of work to do. I'll be out to call you for lunch later," I state as I lift Noah into my arms. He nods and walk out the door.

I climb out of the car after dropping the kids off to Preschool for Caitlin and Infant Care for Noah, to see Clint holding a water bottle while standing by a large stack of split up wood. "YOU STILL NEED TO STACK THE WOOD UP AND STORE THE STUFF IN THE WOOD SHED!" I call out to him. He flops out the ground and I walk over to him. I smile down at him as I block the sun from his eyes and he gives a weak one in return. I reach a hand out and quickly help him back to his feet. "If you want I'll help you with half of it," I state, flicking my wrist to make the wood float towards the wood stack area, "You just need to guide it into place."

***1 year later***

A knock rings out on the door and I quickly run to answer it. "Nat! Great to see you again!" I cheer, pulling her bag inside. "How have things been for you and the kids?" She asks, looking at Caitlin's most recent artwork on the wall. "Great. Caitlin is almost ready for big kid school and the same for Noah except with Preschool." I explain.

I laugh as Noah and Caitlin run through the house with Roscoe following behind them as Piper rests on the couch beside me and Clint, looking up from the cook book I was studying with Clint for meal ideas in the future. Natasha steps in the room and Caitlin frowns slightly as Roscoe stops running, our dog leaving the room to do something. I stand up and take the coloring supplies from the storage closet in the corner of the room, setting the kids up at the coffee table where Nat joins the for the activity.

I laugh lightly as Clint walks down stairs, dressed in one of my loss fitting maternity dresses that Caitlin has taken from our wardrobe, carrying both Noah and Caitlin, who are both wearing one of Caitlin's dresses, after having a tea party with the two while waiting for dinner to be prepared. "I need to get a picture of this," I state as I place the kids' plates at there spots at the table, Natasha placing the other plates down. I quickly collect the camera from where I keep it in the kitchen and lead the trio outside for better lighting. Clint attempts to remove the dress-up tiara from his head but the kids pull his arms to his sides.

I sit with Clint on the bed as I gently wipe the heavy make up, that Caitlin got Natasha to apply for her, off his face. Noah walks into the room with a tear stained face and Clint lifts him onto the bed once all traces of make-up are off of his face. "What's wrong buddy?" Clint asks as I toss the flannel into the clothing hamper. "I had a nightmare," Noah whimpers, sniffing slightly. I perch beside the two and pull our son into a hug. "What was it about sweetie?" I ask, kissing his forehead as Clint rubs his back gently. "It was dark and I went to find you and Daddy but the house was dusty. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find you, Daddy or Caitlin anywhere. I went back to my room only to find daddy's bow," Noah says quietly, clinging onto me tightly. "That will never happen, Noah. We love you too much to leave you somewhere without either of us. How about you stay with Mommy and Daddy tonight," Clint states. Noah nods slightly and continues to cling to me, obviously fearing that if he lets go, we'll disappear like in his dream.

Thor's Older SisterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora