Chapter 2

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*****Polaris POV*****

***2 weeks later***

I walk into the doctor's office in the city close to Clint and I's farm house. I place Caitlin in the play area and head up to the receptionist.

I walk back into the house near sunset with Caitlin running into the living room. I place down all the items I bought while shopping for my son when the phone starts ringing in the living room. "HI!" Caitlin yells. I quickly walk into the living room to see Caitlin sitting by the phone stand, nodding her head at what the person is saying. "Momma. Dadda wants to talk to you," She states, looking up to me as I walk over to her. I carefully take the phone from her and walk into the kitchen. "Clint?" I ask. "Hey Polar. Just checking how the scan went," He replies quickly. "It went perfectly well. Our little boy is healthy and I bought him some clothes afterwards," I explain. "I can't believe he'll be here in just over a month. I'll have to contact Nat and have her come look after you and Caitlin until I get home," He sighs. "So, how are things in New Mexico?" I ask. "The scientists are taking the readings of a hammer that none of them can lift up. Then last night some guy with long blonde hair stormed in and tried to lift it. He practically knocked out all of the guards trying to get to it," He explains.

I wake up to knocking on the front door, Caitlin crying, and the baby kicking away in my stomach. I sigh in annoyance and climb out of bed, left hand on my stomach. I walk slowly to Caitlin's room and lift her out of bed. I carry her downstairs and place her in the living room before going to answer the door. I swing the door open to reveal Natasha holding her bag with a few wrapped boxes in hand. "Morning. Hope I didn't cause too much crying this morning," She sighs. I shake my head and open the door to her. "Not the best start to the day I've had. I woke up to Caitlin crying, the baby kicking and you knocking on the door," I sigh. "Well, let me put this stuff in my room and then I'll prepare breakfast for us. You just grab the home phone and go take a bath while I deal with things down here," She states and nudges me toward the stairs. I grip onto the stair rail and freeze as images flash through my brain. "Is the baby hurting you? What's wrong?" Natasha questions. "I saw two hands gripping onto each other and it caused me to see two children, a man and a woman but their faces were blurry. My younger self was standing with them," I explains quietly, moving a hand to my head.

I walk into the kitchen after my bath and phone call with Clint to see Natasha cleaning dishes while Caitlin eats. "Clint should be home soon. He just called to say 'the hammer flew away and this cloudless thunder and lightning storm happen at the town. The this robot from space appeared and tried to kill everyone in sight.' I really have no clue what that means but I'm thankful that that isn't my job area," I explain. Nat nods in response and continues cleaning while I sit beside Caitlin to eat.

A thump rings out from inside while I sit on the back porch rereading a pregnancy book while Caitlin and Natasha play in the kiddie pool. The wind levels pick up again and I look up to see a helicopter flying away. A few crashes ring out from inside and the the back door swings open to reveal Clint holding his archery gear. "What have I told you, Clinton Francis Barton?! No weapons in the house!" I scold, making Nat look up at us. I close my book and he quickly helps me stand on my own feet. "Missed you too. But we're going to need to expand on the house once Nat leaves for her mission where she looks after Tony Stark," Clint says quietly in my ear. "Do you think Coulson will be able to watch Caitlin for tomorrow? Nat has to go back in the morning," I ask. He nods. "He owes me for the mission. So we've got a free babysitter available when we need it," Clint explains. I smile and kiss his cheek. "Weapons in the shed now please. I don't plan on asking you again," I state. He sighs and runs through the house. Caitlin comes running up the stairs, wrapped in a towel, and hugs my legs tightly. "Hey there, Sweetie. Did you have fun with Aunty Nat?" I greet, lifting her up and placing a kiss on her cheek. "YEAH!" She cheers loudly. Nat walks over laughing and Clint appears from around the side of the house. "I put them away. Now come here, Caitlin," Clint says, running up to us. I pass Caitlin over before she starts squealing and smile as Clint tickles her.

I place Clint and Caitlin's dinner plates down in front of them and grab mine off of Nat beside me. "I can't wait for the baby to come. You ready to be a big sister, Caitlin?" Nat states, sitting down beside the small girl. I laugh as Caitlin nods furiously, her mouth full of food. I smile at Clint and place his free hand on my bump where our son is moving.

I walk out of Caitlin's room and close the door quietly. I walk toward the bedroom slowly and open the door, only to have a liquid gush down my legs. Clint looks up at me in confusion and rushes over as I slump against the door frame. "The baby is coming," I gasp. His eyes widen in alarm and he lifts me up quickly, rushing downstairs where we find Natasha reading quietly. "Can you look after Caitlin. If we're not back by the time you have to leave call Coulson," Clint orders. She nods and Clint run out to the car, placing me in the front seat.

***2 days later***

Clint carries the baby carrier into the house to see Coulson and Natasha sitting with Caitlin in the living room. I close the door quietly and lift Noah out of the carrier. I clear my throat lightly and they look up quickly. "I thought you had to go on your mission, Nat?" Clint asks. "I asked for an extra few day because my nephew was being born," She explains, walking over and taking Noah into her arms as Caitlin comes running at Clint. I smile as Clint lifts our oldest daughter up and holds her close. "Do you mind taking them out to buy groceries while Clint and I redesign the house?" I ask. They both nod in agreement and Noah is loaded back into his carrier. Clint kisses Caitlin on the forehead before passing her to Coulson.

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