Chapter 4

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*****Clint's POV*****

***2 years later***

I lead everyone into the farm house and close the door behind Steve. "This is home everyone. We weren't expecting company so I'll set up the guest bedrooms for everyone as soon as I put my gear into the shed. Nat you think you can take them to the dining room and get some hot drinks? Your room should still have clothes in there for you," I explain as I adjust my bow at the thought of Polaris seeing them when she comes through the front door if I hid them in the coat rack. I run through the house and into the backyard where my weapon shed is, quickly unlocking the three padlocks and stepping inside.

I step into the dining room after setting up the guest bedrooms to see everyone talking quietly with a mug in front of them, Bruce scratching the family kitten, Angus, behind the ears. "I see you've met Angus," I sigh. "Is this who you meant by 'we' Clint? Because I swear if your main focus in life is a cat, I'm kicking you off the team," Tony asks, causing Angus to hiss. The familiar barks of Roscoe and Piper ring out from outside and Noah screams happily. Natasha lifts Angus off the table and I walk into the entry way with everyone. The door opens and Lucky runs inside with Noah and Caitlin following closely. "DADDY!" The two yell as they spot me crouched down to their level and tackle me into a hug. "Excuse me? 'Daddy'? Clint don't you think you've got some explaining to do?" Tony questions. I look up as the door opens wider to reveal the 8 month pregnant Polaris. I smile up at my wife as she notices me holding the kids. "Gentlemen. Meet my wife, Polaris," I state, looking up at Tony with a smug look. "Clint's told me a lot about you all," Polar states, pulling off her jacket slowly. "Sorry for barging in on you," Steve greets. "Yeah. We would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed," Tony adds, causing me to send him a look. "Fury helped me set this up once Polaris and I got married ten years after we met. We made Polar's files paper copy only and you could only find out about her and the kids if you also looked at my paper file too. I thought that staying here with Polaris and the kids for a week could help us think of a better plan of attack," I explain while Polaris hangs up her coat and checks the coat rack for weapons, pulling out Thor's hammer and Steve's shield with a frown, causing the whole team to look at her in shock. "Hey kids. Why don't you go with Aunt Nat into the kitchen and get snacks?" I state. They nod and rush to the kitchen with Natasha following closely with Angus. I stand up carefully and look at the hammer in shock with everyone else. "You're going to have to place these with Clint's weapons or find somewhere else to put them that isn't in the reach of the kids," Polar explains to Steve and Thor, passing them their hammer and shield. Thor looks at his hammer and up to Polaris still trying to wrap his brain around what just happened.

I sit with the team, minus Thor who went to find something out that he saw in his vision, as Polaris and Natasha prepare dinner for everyone, the kids taking a nap upstairs. I laugh as Angus jumps onto the table in front of Bruce, wanting attention from the man again. "How's baby Natasha?" I hear Nat ask from where she cuts up meat. "She's now a nameless little boy," Polaris explains. There's a loud thump and I run into the kitchen with the others to see Polaris curling in on herself beside a bowl of salad, a knife dug into the wall near her head. "Nat?! What the heck?!" I yell, rushing to Polar's side and pulling her close to my chest as she tries to settle her breathing. "This is all your fault Clint! I told you to produce another girl with Polaris! The baby is a traitor! I kept telling it to be a girl!" Nat complains. Tony pulls the knife out of the wall as Polar cries harder. "Get out Natasha!" I state. "WHAT?!" She yells in shock. "I won't allow you to hurt Polaris' feelings and cause her more stress than she needs since I left for our original mission of finding Loki's scepter while she looked after the kids. She should be worrying over what clothes to buy for the baby, not that you hate our new son who is arriving next month. So until you can apologize, I want you out of my house!" I state. "You're choosing your stupid wife! You're really going to choose her, a girl who nobody knows where she's from and who appeared out of nowhere, losing all of her memories except for her stupid fucking name?!" Natasha screams. "Mommy? Daddy?" A small voice questions. Natasha and I turn to see Caitlin and Noah standing behind Tony, Steve and Bruce in the doorway. "We heard yelling. Is Mommy okay?" Noah states. "Get out Natasha. I won't tell you again," I sigh. I watch as she storms through the back door and slams the door shut behind her, causing Lucky to start barking. I guide Polaris into the living room with the kids. I sit her on the couch and kiss her forehead lightly. "I'm sorry I can't remember," Polaris whispers as Caitlin and Noah climb up beside her. "It's fine. Noah, Caitlin. Make sure Mommy is happy when I come and get you for dinner, okay?" I state. They nod and I walk back to the kitchen to see the others continuing with the dinner preparations.

*****Natasha's POV*****

I sit in the tree line surrounding the Barton Household and think about what was put into my head by Wanda Maximoff.

"Clint. I'm happy with you. But Natasha needs to leave. I'm sick and tired of her staying in the house and not contributing. I don't know why she thinks that I would willingly name one of our children after her," Polaris' voice rings through my brain. "I completely agree with you, Polar. I'm sick of showing that murderer kindness when she could easily murder us and the kids while we sleep. Nobody can trust her fully," Clint agrees.

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