Chapter 6

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*****Clint's POV*****

***2 years later***

Steve, Wanda and I laugh as Pietro runs into the living room wearing his sun hat after being outside watching his big brother and sister swimming in the pool I set up behind the house. Caitlin and Noah walk into the house with Polaris, who holds one of our 6 month old triplets in her arms. Wanda jumps off the couch and walks over to her quickly. "Clint has been emailing Steve and I to come and visit the new additions to the family. I didn't realize he meant three babies though," Wanda states. "It shocked me too, Wanda. There I was going for my three month appointment a year ago and the bomb was dropped on me that there was three babies inside of me. I was incredibly freaked out but luckily Clint managed to calm me down before I got too stressed, but then he freaked out once we got home and fainted in front of Nick and the kids," Polar laughs lightly. I place Lewis into the play pen and jog over to the pair. "Let's not share the embarrassing stuff," I joke, taking Dove into my arms as she reaches her hands up. "But that's no fun, Clint. I wanted to tell them how someone came to drop off our mail when it got mistaken as theirs and you jumped out the front door swings around butter knives since you were incredibly sleep deprived. Our poor neighbor dropped the mail and ran away when I pulled up the driveway after grabbing groceries. I had to explain how you were up all night with the triplets and Pietro. She thankfully calmed down and I drove her back home quickly, while gossiping about Clint," Polaris whines. I place a hand over her mouth before she tells another story, causing Dove to smile happily. I lead Polar into the living room and push her lightly into an arm chair in the corner, where she immediately falls asleep. Angus slinks into the room and makes himself comfortable on Polar's lap like usual. "It's finally nap time," I joke and place Dove into the play pen beside Lewis and Alessia who are already sleeping. I pick up Pietro and set him in the pen too and he sits by my feet, exhausted from running around so much. I lead Steve and Wanda out of the living room and into the dining room where Noah and Caitlin are setting up a board game.

*****Polaris' POV*****

I open my eyes to see myself in a bedroom with the usual man and woman who constantly pop into my dreams in the room too, their faces that are usually blurred out are visible for me to analyze and soak in their details. "Mom! Dad!" I greet happily, my hair flying into my face. My Dad pulling me into a hug, brushing my hair back and pushing me to sit beside my Mom. I smile happily at her but squeal as I notice the chubby baby in her arms. "Meet your baby brother, Thor. Thor this is your big sister, Polaris. She's going to be there for you when you most need her. Never take her for granted," Mom says. My smile widens and I reach my arms out for my new brother. Mom passes him over and I let her guide my arms into the correct position as I watch Thor happily. After Mom finishes adjusting my arms, Thor's eyes widen and I poke my tongue out at him. "Hi there Thor. I'm Polaris, but you can call me Polar. I'm going to take care of you and make sure you know right from wrong, although I'll probably spend my time keeping you out of trouble most days when I'm not at training. If you ever have an issue, I'll be there to help you solve it," I state, placing a kiss to his forehead before passing him back to Mom and smiling at my family. "I need to get back to Heimdall now. He gave me a short break to meet Thor, but now I have to head back to the Bifrost." They nod in understanding as Thor lets out a loud cry and I run out of the room quickly.

As I step into the courtyard my dream changes to a different point of time in the courtyard. I spot my Dad walking toward Mom, Thor and I as we wait for him to come home from battle. He's missing an eye, but carries The Casket of Ancient Winters in one hand and holding a bundle in the other. I run forward and take the bundle from him to see a small baby with a slight blue tint. "A Frost Giant from Jotunheim?" I ask. Dad nods. "Left to die so I brought him here where we'll raise him as our own until he is ready to learn the truth," Dad explains, passing the Casket to a set of guards that run over. I finish the spell and hide all traces of blue from the baby's skin. I pass the baby back to Dad and we walk over to Mom and Thor. "Meet Loki. I found him in a temple, abandoned and brought him here for a better life," Dad introduces.

I flash to another point of time and see my parents sitting in a dining hall. "Good Morning Father," I smile as I take my seat beside him. "Hello Daughter. Have you seen your brothers today?" He replies. I shake my head and he sighs in annoyance. "FATHER! LOKI HAS BEEN USING MAGIC ON ME!" Thor's small but loud voice rings echoes into the room. I watch as he runs in and over to me. "Can you make it better, Polar?" He asks quietly. I nod and take his arm into my hand. I pull his sleeve up to see blue marks on his skin. I press a finger on it and jerk it away as I feel the coldness. I sigh and place my free hand on his arm, a bright light being produced. I pull my hand away to see the blue patches gone and the skin back to it's normal temperature. His arms wrap around me quickly and I hug him close. The door slams open and I look up to see Loki entering with a grumpy look. He sends me a glare and moves to sit beside our Mother. "Mother I was wondering if I could go down to the Bifrost Bridge today after classes?" I hear Loki say. "I'm afraid you can not go on your own. Thor and Polaris will have to accompany you there for something bad may happen while you are there," Mother states. "Father? When will I be as skilled as Polaris when it comes to combat?" Thor asks, causing me to send him a wide smile. "Obviously never Brother! She is a weakling who does not deserve to be first in line for the throne!" Loki calls, glaring at me. Father stands up and points to the door. "Out Loki! I will over see your training later. Polaris go get in your armor. I will be showing you and Thor the Bifrost and how to see into the nine realms," Father states. I nod and run out quickly.

I look at my Valkyrie armor on its stand with a smile after pulling my dark blue cloak my white day dress, the emblems of the Valkyrie, Asgard, Life and the Infinty Stones. I place my swords into the sheaths on my back and my daggers go into the ones at my waist. I quickly take of running to meet Father and Thor at the Bifrost Bridge.

I walk with Thor out of the Bifrost after Father had to leave for Loki's training only to see Loki himself standing there. I pull out a sword as I see Loki point his spear at me after he flings Thor back into the Bifrost. "Sister. We have known this would be coming for a while now. So let us just get this over with?" He calls. I step back as he begins walking closer. "I have finally finished my training with a spear so let us see if I can defeat the Princess of Asgard," He laughs and goes to stabs his spear only for me to block the attack with a white crystal, only for Loki and the spear to disappear. I scream in pain as something stabs into my back. He quickly pulls the spear out and kicks me down. I fall off the bridge and grip onto the edge with one hand the other gripping my injury. Loki crouches beside my hand and pulls out a knife, laughing happily. He stabs it into my hand and pulls it out. I hand hand releases it's grip on the bridge and I fall at a rapid speed. "POLARIS!" I hear Thor scream in horror.

I open my eyes to see my hand bleeding. I stand up quickly and rush to the kitchen to find Clint.

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