Chapter 8

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*****Polaris' POV*****

***6 months later***

I slink through the darkness of the facility after setting off an explosion in the patch of trees near the perimeter, giving the living area a new source of light from the flames. My sight has slightly recovered, I could see colored blurs for people because of the Soul Stone while everything else was blurs of black, white and grey. "What is it?" Wanda questions as I move closer to where Clint is hiding, navigating the building by using the Soul Stone to seek him out. "Stay here. Please?" Vision states before the presence of the Mind Stone disappears from the building. The sound of metal flying through the air sounds but makes no impact. "Guess I shoulda knocked," Clint states, stepping into the light, revealing his presence in the building. "Oh my god! What are you doing here?" Wanda gasps. "We're disappointing the kids," He says quickly as arrows get shot into something, "We're supposed to go water-skiing. Family vacation of sorts. Cap needs our help. Come on." Vision's presence returns suddenly. "Clint! You should not be here," Vision states, causing the two to stop in their tracks. "Really? I retire for, what, like five minutes, and it all goes to shit?" Clint asks as I sneak to a better position to attack Vision when needed. "Please consider the consequences of your actions," Vision says boldly. "Okay, they're considered. Okay, we gotta go," Clint replies as Vision moves toward them but is caught by Clint's trap, "It's this way." Wanda stays in place sadly. "I've caused enough problems," She says, causing Clint to jog back over to her. "You gotta help me, Wanda. Look, you wanna mope, you can go to high school. You wanna make amends, you get off your ass. Shit," He states swearing as Vision frees himself. I listen to the sounds of Clint and Vision fighting as I reach Wanda, placing my hand on her shoulder. "Clint, you can't overpower me," Vision states as I step into Wanda's line of sight slowly, behind Vision. "I know I can't. But Polaris can," Clint explains, jerking his head back slightly as I activate my ability to control the Infinity Stones, targeting them on Vision and the Mind Stone, forcing the android's abilities to go under my control. "Vision, that's enough. Let him go. I'm leaving," Wanda states as I walk around Vision to be seen by all three of them. "I can't let you," The android protests. I free Clint and force Vision to the ground. Cracks ring out around me and I force Vision through the several floors beneath us. Wanda and Clint look at me in shock before Clint pulls us both out of the facility. "Come on. We got one more stop," He states, "Plus we have to collect Polar's gear from the storage area quickly. I sigh in annoyance. "Just wait one second," I state, opening a portal to take us outside and lead them through before closing it. I quickly distance myself from the two as I summon my armor and sword to me. My sword flies straight into my hand and my armor embraces me, the two watching as the armor adjusts itself to fit me properly. "Let's get going now," I state as they look at me and teleport us to the van.

Clint lifts me out of the van and spins me around as Steve climbs out of his tiny car, setting me on my feet as Wanda opens the van's sliding door so that she can get out and reveals the man, who I carried out of his house, still sleeping. "Cap," Clint greets as he walks over to Steve with Wanda and I glare at the man. "You know I wouldn't have called if I had any other choice," Steve explains as I search for my sword in the pile of items in the back of the van. "Hey, man, you're doing me a favor. Besides I owe a debt," Clint states. I slam my hand on floor of the van in frustration after tossing the man's suit out of the van. "Thanks for having my back," Steve says. I look at the man again to see him gripping my sword as he sleeps. "It was time to get off my ass," Wanda states as I fail to get my sword away from the sleeping man. "How about our other recruit?" Steve asks as I growl angrily and lift the man out of the van, carrying him away from the van. "He's," Clint starts to explain, turning to see me carrying the man, "Being carried by Polaris apparently." I scowl at the man and happily drop the man to the ground, causing the others to flinch in shock. Barnes looking at me in fear as I pull my sword away from the man as he finally wakes up in alarm. "What timezone is this?" He asks and Steve walks toward him, helping the man up while Clint walks over to hug me. I grip my sword's hilt tightly and toss the sheath back into the van. Clint talks quietly, explaining our plan properly to me as the others talk to the man. After a few minutes an announcement is made as an alarm goes off. "They're evacuating the airport," Barnes states. We look toward Steve. "Stark," Sam explains. The man, Lang, becomes confused. "Stark?" He asks. Steve looks around at us and quickly passes out earpieces. "Suit up," Steve orders.

I'm invisible as I run with Barnes and Wilson inside the airport, when someone lands on the glass roof and crawls on it. "What the hell is that?" Barnes asks loudly, looking up. Wilson scoffs as he looks also looks up. "Everyone's got a gimmick now!" He complains. Suddenly the person on the roof swings off the building and crashes their way through the window, knocking Wilson into the wall and away from Barnes. I stop watch as the action happens between the random person, Barnes and Wilson. " You have a metal arm?! That is awesome, dude!" A young boy's voice calls as he catches a punch from Barnes. Wilson quickly flies in and carries the boy away from Barnes. "YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT!" The boy yells. I snicker and move towards the boy slowly preparing my attack. "Hey, buddy! I think you lost this!" The boy yells and the column Barnes was hiding is partially destroyed by something , followed by a yell of pain from the boy as Wilson attacks him. I watch as the boy saves himself from crashing to the ground and stops Wilson's wings from working, causing Wilson to crash into a concession stand. Wilson stands up and is instantly restrained by something. "Those wings carbon fiber?" I hear the boy ask. Wilson looks at something on his hands. "Is this stuff coming out of you?" Wilson asks. "That would explain the rigidity-flexibility ratio, which, gotta say, that's awesome, man," The boy continues. I roll my eyes at the conversation taking place and continue to approach the boy for a sneak attack. "I don't know if you've been in a fight before, but there's usually not this much talking," Wilson states. The boy realizes and apologizes. "All right, sorry. My bad," The boy says. Suddenly the boy swings up and Barnes runs in, trying to stop the attack on Wilson. The two men fly through the glass barrier and crash to the ground by an escalator, instantly being retrained by the boy. I open a portal quickly and make the exit right by where the boy landed. "Guys, look. I'd love to keep this up, but I've only got one job here today and I gotta impress Mr Stark. So I'm really sorry," The boy explains and I charge at him through my portal before he can attack the one last time. I tackle the boy from where he crouches and we fly straight through the window, the boy yelling out in panic. "YOU COULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT EARLIER?!" Barnes and Wilson yell after me.

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