Chapter 5

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*****Clint's POV*****

I sit beside Polaris as we watch the kids and the team play a game on the kitchen table, Natasha sitting at by the window as she glares outside. Polar checks her watch and sighs. "I have to go to my appointment now. Will you be alright with the kids while I'm out?" She states. I stand up quickly and wrap an arm around her shoulders."I'm coming with you. I want to see the little one before he officially arrives," I say, smiling happily as I place my free hand on her large bump. "Don't worry, Polar. We'll take great care of the kids," Steve states. "Okay. Well lunch is cooking in the oven. If they eat it all they're entitled to a scoop of ice cream each," Polar explains quickly as I grab the car keys from the hook and pull her towards the front door. "BYE MOMMY! BYE DADDY!" Caitlin and Noah yell happily.

I sit looking over Polaris' shoulder at the little one's ultrasound photo. "He looks just like you," I state, pointing to the 3d image and kiss her cheek lightly as her face flushes red. "Before I forget. Nick has been visiting while you've been away, to make sure I'm keeping you in line and not stressing myself out," Polar says lightly as we walk toward the car so that we can get back to the house. "Thank goodness we selected him to be this baby's Godfather. Now we know they'll be seeing each on a regular basis at this rate," I laugh. Polar shakes her head and climbs into the drivers seat as we reach the car. "Any thoughts on first names for him yet?" Polar questions. I shake my head in annoyance. "Not a single good first name has gone through my head for our little one so far," I sigh. "Don't worry, Clint. The perfect first name will come to you soon," Polar encourages, placing a hand on mine as she starts the car. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" I question. She smiles happily and kisses me quickly before pulling out of the car park.

***1 week later***

I stand beside Thor, Tony, Steve, Natasha and Wanda as we look at the projected image of the sleeping newborn boy in Polaris' arms on the big screen. "This is Pietro Nicolas Barton everyone. He's been a bundle of joy since he hasn't been crying much," I explain, smiling at the picture Fury took of the pair. "He is incredibly cute," Thor states. "How is she holding up after the birth since you aren't there to help look after the kids?" Wanda questions, smiling happily at the photo. "She's been struggling to sleep with all the memories that have been coming back to her since Pietro arrived. She called last night so that I could help her fall asleep. I wish there was another way for me to help her," I explain. "Memories?" Thor questions. "Oh right. Thor wasn't there when Natasha exploded at her for the baby being a boy, which when Clint tried to stop the verbal attack, he got yelled at for taking the side of the person who doesn't remember anything but their name," Tony explains, "Fury posted her file over and I took the liberty of making it digital." I watch as the photo of Polaris and Pietro is replaced by a photo of Polaris in a hospital bed, the armor she was wearing removed by one of the medics we brought along now being loaded into a container, along with the sword she was gripping tightly. I scan my eyes over the old picture of my wife and point out her injuries to the group. "She was bleeding out from a stab wound that almost went completely through her side, which thankfully didn't puncture any internal organs, luckily she wasn't injured worse by the fall since I took the most part of it when she collided with me and then the water. She was ice cold and heavily bruised. Luckily we were outside the old SHIELD base when it happened so I was able to get her to the medical wing quickly. Nick has the clothes and weapons stored somewhere in the facility if you want to take a look at it. We didn't really take a picture of it since we could still piece it together and we'd have to put the photo into the system and Hydra would have found it," I explain to everyone. "I'm glad to see she was able to recover from that," Steve states. "I must see these clothes you speak of before I leave for Asgard. Tony? Steve? Will you help me find it please?" Thor states. "I better head home. I have a baby to cuddle with and kids to take to school tomorrow," I say, stretching my arms out as I stand up from my seat, "If you need anything, feel free to call the house and either Polar or I will pick up depending on the time." Wanda quickly hugs me and I return the gesture. "I'll make sometime to visit, since Steve already plans on visiting in two weeks. I really want to meet your family," She states. I smile happily. "You're always welcome at our house since you're part of the family too now. Polaris can't wait to meet you. She gives really good advice and motivation to people when needed. Plus I have to talk to her about something when we get home that involves you," I say happily. She nods and pulls away as I shake Steve and Thor's hands, then pat Tony on the shoulder. "Drop by anytime. There's always someone in the house so the door is always open," I call, walking out the door and climbing into the Four Wheel drive I invested in after Ultron. I quickly drive away from the facility and start the drive through the country to reach my home.

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