Chapter 7

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*****Clint's POV*****

Polaris steps into the kitchen and my eyes instantly focus on her bleeding hand. I meet her halfway and quickly carry her to the bathroom, where the first aid kit has been kept. I lift up her hand up and try to clean some of the blood away, but the blood pools up in her palm too quickly. "Steve?! Wanda?!" I yell. After a minute they run into the bathroom to see me trying to stop the bleeding. "I'll call Tony and have him prepare a team of doctors for our arrival," Steve states quickly and rushes out of the room. "Wanda can you clean up the blood in the living room and get the kids ready to leave? I need to pack bags for everyone once I move her to the living room sofa," I question, wrapping her wound up as tightly as possible and lifting Polar up. She nods and runs out.

I step off the quinjet to see the medical team gripping onto a gurney as Natasha, Tony, Sam, Rhodes and Vision standing near them. I carry Polar over to the medical team and place her on the gurney, allowing everyone to see my blood covered hands and shirt. Wanda and Steve help the kids off the jet, causing Pietro to run off, Sam and Rhodes following after him. "Clint? What happened?" Natasha questions. "She was taking a nap while Lewis, Alessia, Pietro and Dove took theirs. I was in the dining room with Caitlin, Noah, Steve and Wanda playing a board game. After an hour, she screamed and I ran in there to see Polar on the floor surrounded by blood. I rushed her to the bathroom and found out the injury we found her with was back," I breathe out, trying to stop myself from panicking. Caitlin walks over and wraps her arms around me tightly. "Mom will be okay, Dad. Why don't we go inside and you can sit down," Cait soothes, smiling at sadly. Noah runs over and joins the hug, causing Tony, Natasha, Steve and Wanda to watch happily. "How about I take these two kids on a tour with Natasha. Steve, Wanda, Vision and Sam can take you to your rooms and you can clean up and take a nap, along with the young ones," Tony states. I sigh and nod in agreement. Tony and Natasha lead Noah and Caitlin away and the rest of us head straight inside. "Miss Barton was in a dream state, reliving memories," Vision explains, causing Steve to send the Android a look of annoyance.

I sit at the meeting table discussing things with the team while the kids sleep in the rooms we were given for our visit, finally talking about the new knowledge on Polaris and her origin. "She's hasn't gone out of control. She hasn't caused as much destruction as Thor did on his first visit to Earth. When she was first checked over by S.H.I.E.L.D's doctors, they found around her heart and tried to remove it. Whatever it was didn't agree and she almost died when they tried to start the operation. There was one time when we moved into where we live now, she sneezed and blasted a hole through the whole house which caused us to rebuild it into something more suitable for us with her ability to make things float," I explain. Everyone looks at me in shock and I pull up a file from my phone to show the photos of the giant hole, along with some images of the blast that caused the hole and her ability of making things float in action.

I walk into Polaris' room to see her breathing heavily. "It's just like when the Tesseract opened the portal in New York and when that alien ship showed up in Greenwich along with Thor. This time my memories were triggered and everything that I couldn't remember from my childhood came crashing into my brain," Polaris explains quietly as I take her hand in mine, "Thor's my little brother." I smile slightly and kiss her forehead lightly. "Guess that means Loki is my brother in law along with Thor? This is what I always dreamed of you know," I joke. "You don't have to forgive him. I can't forgive him either since he's the one that stabbed me and caused this wound that opened again after so many years," Polar sighs, letting out a soft yawn. "Get some sleep, alright? Friday will call me when you wake up and you can tell me all about your childhood, okay?" I state. She nods and curls up on her uninjured side, gripping my hand tightly.

I step into the dining area to see everyone in the team, including Thor, gathered in the room, talking up a storm. They look at me and smile once they see my obviously relieved expression. "Polaris fell asleep again. Thought you would like to know she can officially remember everything that she had forgotten," I state happily. Caitlin runs over and hugs me tightly. "What happened to Lady Polaris?" Thor questions. "You can ask your sister that when she wakes up again, Thor," I call loudly as I move over to the fridge, with Caitlin still hugging me. "Hold up, Legolas! What do you mean by 'sister'?!" Tony yells. "What he means by that is that my sister, Princess Polaris of Asgard, Goddess of Life and Infinity Stones, who was cast out of Asgard by Loki when we were children, has been living here on Midgard," Thor explains before turning toward me, "How is she holding up?" A scream rings through the facility and Thor and I take off running to the hospital wing to see Polaris covering her ears as she cries. Her eyes snap open to reveal galaxies instead of her usual blue eyes. "I can't see!" She cries as I pull her hands away from her ears carefully. "Polaris? Thor's here with me," I say quietly rubbing her back soothingly. I watch as her arm shakily reaches out and Thor takes her heavily shaking hand in his grasp as he moves to sit on her other side. "Polar?" He asks, placing his hammer on the floor under the bed. "Thor. I'm so sorry," Polar says quietly, obviously unsure where Thor is. Thor pulls her into a hug and holds her close as they both start crying.

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