Power Rangers Atlantis: The talk with Poseidon

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A boy in an orange life guard stared at the very bluish sea and glanced down at his black watch. "Where the heck is he?" The boy asked himself. He felt something on his feet and looked down to see an orange crab.

"Hey there little guy." The boy said as he picked up the crab. "I guess me and you do have a connection."

"Indeed you guys do." The boy quickly turned around to see a white bearded man in blue hippie clothes.

"Took you long enough."

"Well sorry, making sure that ships sail the seas safely is a tough job. Now, why did you call me here?"

"Well First off, why do I need a team again?...I mean I can find Atlantis and defeat the enemies by myself."

"Hahahahaha!!!!" The white bearded man laughed loudly.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh Barry and your stupidity."


"Look, you alone, finding Atlantis, and fighting the enemies will be to much for you. Trust me, having teammates will make your life more easier."

"I didn't need teammates when I fought for the first time..."

"That was because they were easy at the beginning. Our enemies have grown stronger and they are destroying more villages, towns, and ships then before. I need you not to die and the only way for that to happen, is if you have teammates to help you and back you up..."

"Sigh, fine. Who are they?"

"Ohhhh your going to love them. First we have a married ichthyologist couple and two college students who are studying to become marine biologists."

"Great, smart people who will bore me."

"You'll be surprised..." When Barry blinked for a second, Poseidon was gone.

"Ahhhhhh, I hate it when he does that....we didn't even finish the conversation..." Barry saw what time it was. "Oh crap...I'm gonna be late for my second job!!!" Barry ran towards the roads that led into Pescadero which is located in California.

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