Power Rangers Time Squad: Time Rangers to the rescue

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"Alright guys....follow my lead." Hayden said as he pressed the button in the middle. The spinning wheel lit up red. "VORTEX READY!!!" Hayden spun the wheel as the spinning wheel turned into a small red time vortex that hovered around Hayden. The other followed as they yelled, "VORTEX READY!!!" as they all spun their wheels and everyone had a small vortex that was hovering over them in their specific color. The vortex came down on all of them as it dressed them in their ranger suits. The Rangers suits had three white lines going across the upper chest with one of them having a vortex sign badge inside, and the helmets had a black top visor with lights of their specific color glowing out. The helmet also had a silver mouthpiece and sliver gauntlets that surrounded their arms with the left one holding their morpher. The Rangers felt the powers of the vortex surge through their bodies as they looked down at their suits.

"Cool!!" They all said as The Clock King was frightened by what he was seeing in front of him. Dexter and Warlong stared at him, waiting for him to say something or give a command.

"Well old man...what do we do know?" Dexter asked.

"I told you to stop calling me old man!!!...can't you do something?"

"Oh what?...a man who can stop time is asking me for my help?" The Clock King stared angrily at Dexter. "Sigh...fine..." Dexter took out a box that had wires circling it. He opened it and a pixelated figure jumped out of the box as it morphed into a digitized monster.

"Oh boy..." Laya said.

"How does Dr.Stanford expect us to go up against that?" Gino asked.

"It's simple...we work as a team." Hayden said.

"I'm sorry dude--"

"His name is Hayden." Chase said angrily.

"Well...Hayden...I feel like a team effort won't even damage him." Adona said.

"Well...we have to try." Hayden said as The Clock King summoned multiple golden machines.

"Tickens, GET THEM!!!"


"Wait wait wait.....what type of name is Ticken?" Gino asked as the golden machines ran towards them. They all split up leaving Hayden and Gino to deal with them all.

"What are you guys doing?!?!?!" Hayden asked as he dodged an attack and tripped one of them.

"Maybe I should rethink this..." Laya said.

"Yeah...I didn't know we would be facing something like this." Adona said.

"Does it matter?..we will be risking our lives to keep the world safe and it's worth it in my opinion." Gino said as he punched one of the Tickens in their chest which made his hand hurt.

"Facing things like this and guessing that I won't see my girl again....is horrible." Chase said. "But...he's right....I would rather see this world still in good shape than see it taken over by these punks..." Chase grabbed a Ticken from Hayden and double punched it in the face.

"Well.....It's better than being a zoo employee ..." Laya said as she got between Gino and a Ticken. Adona stood at the them as she was overwhelmed and didn't know what to do. The digitized monster stood in front Adona as Hayden, stupidly, punched it in the back.

"Oh...that was a bad idea..." The digitized monster picked Hayden up and threw him over to the others. Laya ran up to the monster as it blew it's hot breath all over Laya's visor.

"I can smell his dirty breath..." Laya said as she covered her helmet.

"Get away from my sister!!!!" Gino yelled as he kicked the monster in the face. Chase joined as he started to punch him in the chest. "I won't let you hurt this world!!!" Chase yelled. The monster began to get angry as he grabbed them by their necks and threw them away from him. A little green vortex appeared in front of Gino as a futuristic weapon pop out. Gino grabbed it as the vortex disappeared and Gino found himself holding a futuristic blaster. "COOL!!!!" Gino said. A big blue vortex appeared in front of Chase and a small figure stepped out of it as he had on blue agent clothes.

"Agent Crude ready for duty..." The little guy said.

"Ummm....who are you?" Chase asked.

"I am Agent Crude...part of a warrior organization from the future tasked with helping people who can summon us like you." Chase was confused as ever as Dr.Stanford was calling Gino and him from their morphers.

"Interesting!!!...it's seems that you two went to the future when you guys were sucked into the Time Vortex. It must've given you two the ability to summon people and weapons from the future."

"Cool!!!" Gino yelled.

"Ummmmmm..ok...little dude. Attack that monster."

"Yes sir!!" The little figure walked up to the monster and pulled out a huge blaster. He pointed it at his face and pulled the trigger which made a big hole in the monster's face, but he easily regenerated. He raised his hand and slapped the agent away as he disappeared, leaving a blue outline.

"Well...shit.." Chase said. Gino was experimenting with the futuristic blaster as he found out that he could split it in half. He almost shot Laya in the helmet who was busy fighting some Tickens. Chase grabbed the other blaster from Gino and shot at the monster. Gino followed as they both began making holes in the monster.

"Hahahahaha...you guys can't stop my monster. I created him." Dexter said.

"Come...we must retreat...." The Clock King said.

"Why?" Warlong asked.

"Do not ask any questions now come!!!" The Clock King said as they disappeared into thin air. The battle was split as Hayden, Adona, and Laya were busy with the Tickens while Gino and Chase was busy with the monster.

"It's not working!!!" Gino yelled.

"We have to keep trying!!!" Chase yelled back as he shot at the monster's head. When they were done, the Rangers regrouped with Gino and Chase as Hayden tried to think of a plan.

"If they can summon weapons and warriors, can't they summon the vortex portal?...yes they can!!" Hayden said. "Guys, try to summon the Time Vortex again!!"

"How?" Gino asked.

"We don't even know how we did it the first time." Chase said.

"The first time, it seemed that you guys had the will to fight as you took on him head on. That must've triggered the vortex." Hayden said. Gino and Chase nodded as they began to walk towards the monster as they continued to shot.

"We won't let your master take over this world!!!" Chase and Gino said as the Time Vortex appeared behind the monster. The monster had a hard time not trying to get sucked into the Time Vortex as the Rangers tried to push him in.

"He's...to heavy!!!" Adona yelled. Chase noticed a volume button on the blasted that was labeled "Low to High."

"Hey dude---"


"Gino, look...there's a volume button on this gun."

"Cool!!..lets try it out!!!" Both Chase and Gino raised the volume to high as their blasters let out a huge sound wave that hit the monster critically. The monster flew back into the Time Vortex as it closed.

"God, being a ranger is tiring..." Gino said as everyone laughed.

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