Power Rangers Agency: A great agent dies

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In 2099, Humans and Cyborgs live in harmony after a long war against the two races. The future government have decided to let the cyborgs have equal rights and live in human society, but they are still looked at as the enemies. In futuristic New York City Time Square, a hologram of the Dangerous Supreme Cyborg looks down at the humans and cyborgs who have stopped to look.

"For the humans who built us and now hates their own creations and for the traitors who decided to live amongst the humans, I have decided that I should be the one who makes the decisions and the one who says who lives...." The hologram disappeared as eagle drones came out of every building that surrounded the people. The drones dived down and took out their machine guns. People ran as they started to fire, hitting people in the back and killing innocent people. A cyborg child stood still as a drone flew his way. A bullet hit the eagle and landed in front of the kid. A man in black armor appeared in front of the kid. "What do you think your doing?...where are your parents?" The kid pointed to the two dead cyborgs on the left side of him. The man sighed and picked up the kid. "I'm going to take care of you from now on ok?" The man said as he placed the child inside of a jeep. "Take this child back to the base!!" He told the driver. The driver nodded her head and drove away leaving the man to stand around dead bodies. He took out his phone and called someone named Adam.

"You were right Adam...he was aiming for Time Square..."

"Told you. It doesn't matter tho..."

"What are you doing?"

"I asked Malcolm if he could track the connection from the previous hologram speech and he did....to a factory right outside of New York."

"Adam don't you dare go in there alone...you hear me!?!!?!"

"Well...I'm sorry to tell you this but----" Adam cut off.

"Adam?...Adam?...DAMMIT!!" The man threw his phone on the ground.


"Wake up Agent!!!" A voice said.

Adam opened his eyes to a Golden Cyborg standing in front of him. "Did you really think you could come in my base and not get caught?"

"Well I just infiltrated your rebellion party using one of my favorite Scientist Gadget..so..yeah." Adam looked around the room trying to find a way out.

"Don't even try..."

"Try what?"

"Try to get out of this...it's to late."

"It's never to late." Adam said as he stomped his left foot. Smoke gas spat out of his shoe filling the room. He quickly pressed a button on his collar and a laser beam slashed the chains. Adam smiled as he was finally freed, but that smile turned into a frown as he saw green eyes coming towards him. A hand reached out of the gas and tried to hit him. He ran out the room and an old Cyborg cut him off.

"Hahahaha, there's no escape Agent."

"Oh really?" Adam pulled a pen out and pointed it towards the wall. A laser beam came out and made a big hole in the wall. He jumped through it to another room this one being the main factory for the minions.

"Stop trying to run!!!" Adam turned around to see Drax with his minions.

"But it's fun when you guys gotta try to catch me." Adam said. Drax commanded his minions to bring him the head of Adam. The minions ran and surrounded him. The minions ran in and Adam punched two in the chest while he kicked one down. He grabbed an arm and swung the minion around. He threw him towards a machine as he began to throw mechanic parts at the minions. He reached a dead and turned around to see Supreme, Drax, and Uncle Rust standing in front of him.

"Any last words Agent?" Supreme asked.

"I---" Supreme shot a green laser beam at Adam which hit him in his chest. Adam fell to floor and laid dead as Uncle Rust went over and picked up his body.

"What should we do with him?" He asked.

"Let's show him to the other Agents and get a message out to them." Supreme said.


"Sir, you need to see this." a female sergeant said. The man from earlier walked into the main headquarters and looked at the huge computer screen. Supreme was on their and Uncle Rust was holding Adam.

"Agents, this is what happens when you get in my way. Now I suggest that you stop before things get more complicated for you as it is...." The screen went black as the man began to cry.

"I'm sorry sir. I knew he was a good friend"

"A great friend and a great agent.....Sergeant get Dr.Dixie and the other scientists in my room. It's time that we start Project Rangers....."

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