Power Rangers Quantum Corps: Red Rage

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Dustin held the red horizontal flash drive in his hand as he looked at the monster that was harassing his sister. The bikers smiled at him knowing the fact that Dustin wasn't going to do anything to save his sister.

"Let go of my sister."

"No." The biker said as he began to hurt her arm.

"I won't ask you twice." Dustin took a step forward as the other bikers got up.

"Whatcha gonna do little boy? Tell your mommy oh wait she's dead." The bikers laughed. "You can try to take. Go ahead, I dare you."

Dustin glanced at the bartender. The bartender went into the back and closed the door. Dustin took another step forward as he felt his body begin to heat up.

"Look boys, he's turning red." Dustin began to inhale and exhale faster than usual. "Now listen boy, why don't you go wait at the bus stop while me and my  boys take turns---"

"SHUT UP!!" The red flash drive glowed red.

"What the hell did you just say to me?" The biker took out his gun. "Don't you ever tell me to shut up again...got that?" Dustin nodded his head as the biker put gun away.

Dustin removed his finger to reveal the rage symbol on it. He reached for his back pocket as the bikers were on alert. Dustin took out an unusual phone that seemed like it was built with advanced technology. It had weird languages going around it in gold. It also had four buttons in the front and a blank interface.

"Ohhhhh boys look, he's gonna call the cops."

"If you call the cops, you won't see your sister ever again!!" One of them shouted.

"I don't need the cops." Dustin placed the flash drive in the USB port located at the end. The interface came on as the phone lit up red.

"Quantum Morpher on, standing by." The phone said.

"What the?!!!"

"Quantum leap, red rage mode." Dustin's body turned into red energy as his body let out a big shock wave that sent the bikers back. His sister ran into the back as a suit began to morph over his body and contain the red energy. He was now in a black suit with red designs that meet in the center which was a white symbol:

 He was now in a black suit with red designs that meet in the center which was a white symbol:

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"What the hell is that?!!" One of the bikers asked.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!" Dustin roared as his visor glowed red. He took a step forward and left a fiery red shoe print on the floor.

"...What are you guys doing?....kill this boy." The bikers ran towards Dustin as one of them tried to hit him with a bat. Dustin grabbed the bat as it glowed red and blew up. Dustin grabbed the biker by the neck and threw him across the bar. Dustin kicked a biker in the chest which had a great affect on him. The biker felt his heart being pulled out of his chest as he sat on the floor. Another biker came and swung at Dustin as he dodged it and did a sweep kick. Dustin kicked the biker in the legs which broke his legs and made the biker scream in pain. The last biker that was left was the one who had harassed his sister. Dustin slowly walked towards him as the biker pulled out his gun.

"Don't you dare get close to me or I'll shot your head off." The biker said as his hands started to shake.

"Go ahead. I dare you." Dustin grabbed the pistol and made it hot which made the biker drop it.

"What the hell are you?"

"An unwanted Ranger." Dustin placed his hands on the biker's head as his head began to glow and explode. The biker's brain was scattered across the pool table as Dustin took out the phone and pulled the flash drive out. It turned him back to his regular self as the bartender and his sister came.

"What did you do Dustin?" She asked.

"What I had to do..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2016 ⏰

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