Power Rangers Digital Verse: The Gamers

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"THERE'S FIFTY SECONDS ON THE CLOCK AND THE SCORE IS TWO TO TWO. WHAT WILL THEY DO!!!" The announcer yelled into his mic. The two video game elite teams regrouped at their stations. A teenage girl in a purple coach jacket stood behind her teammates.

"Alright guys...if we win this, this will be the start of our future careers as professional gamers."

"But Kim, we never win." one of the teammates said.

"Look, I know you guys have it in you. I've seen it at practice. Don't let those guys get to you ok?...now put them in." the team placed their hands in the middle and nodded at each other. They took their seats and Kim was behind them feeling nervous. The coach on the other team smiled at them like they had something up their sleeves.

"ALRIGHT PEOPLE, THE MATCH WILL BE ON THE SNOWBOUND MAP. IS BOTH TEAMS READY?" Both coaches and the teams nodded. "LET THE FINAL MATCH BEGIN!!!" The teams were playing a Tactical Game known as Siege. The objective of the game is to rescue the hostage. Kim's team was in charge of protecting the hostage from the intruders, but defense was where the team's weaknesses shined. One problem was protection, sure they could defend the hostage pretty easily, but the opposing team would notice immediately that the weapons Kim's team were using was better at offense. A thought that slipped everyone, but one of the team members. This would show the second problem, the only one who had a weapon good for defending was a terrible shot. The final problem would be morale, since they usually lose defense matches they have all but checked out of the game already. Kim hastily thought of a plan to counter these problems and she figured it out immediately.

The enemy team began to make their way toward the hostage when shots began to hit them, two of them unsure of what was happening were killed near instantly. The opposing team seemed very confused and tried to call hacks unaware that they had been scouted the minute they spawned. The surviving members tried to trace the gunfire and began to look for cover. Kim saw this coming telling her teammates to stay back as they don't know what weapons they have. The enemy team knew better than to believe the opposing team had retreated so easily. The enemy team tried to move up carefully when gunfire comes out again. Unfortunately for Kim's team, the enemy scout had made it behind them and managed to take out one of Kim's teammates. After a retaliation kill, the two enemy players began to move up. It was then that the enemy scout and the coach realized that the enemy team had six members. One was obviously scouting them, the two in front of them had been suppressing any movement, but where were the other three? This question was answered as the two remaining enemies were killed from behind by three previously unnoticed players. As her team was about to celebrate victory a thought came to Kim's mind. A detail almost everyone else hadn't realized. By Kim's count, they had only killed five out of six of the enemy, but where was the sixth one? Kim slowly realized why they were already celebrating victory as the only player on his side ,still playing, focused intently on the door from behind cover. An enemy rushes in not knowing the danger he would face as a flash mine went off as he ran into the room, a shotgun blast finishes off the dazed enemy and the words victory come onto the screen. The team high fives and thanks the opposing team for a match well played, despite how underhanded the strategy seemed in the end if the opposing team had been paying more attention they would have won.

"WE WON...WE FINALLY WON!!!" The team said as they received a trophy which they lifted into the air for people to see. The announcer walked over to Kim and gave her a small purple case. She opened it with her thumb print and saw a controller that could wrap around her wrist.


Jamal stood at the center of the map in Call of War. He sat back in his gaming chair and took out a bag of chips. He started to eat as players from around him moved in on him. He put the bag aside and looked at the players that were sitting across from him and smiled. Jamal shot the player that was in front of him first and didn't reload as he shot the player to his left. The player on the right began to fire as Jamal took cover around a truck. He reloaded and took out a smoke grenade and tossed it over the truck. He ran inside of a house and picked up a sniper,with a silencer, that was leaning on a wall. He waited until the smoke cleared to shoot the player and move to a different location. The only player was left, was the one that was behind from before. The last player decided to camp inside of a building right by the stairs and wait for Jamal to come to him. The last player didn't see a flash grenade come as Jamal threw one into the window of the house which made the player not see anything. The player got up but couldn't move as he was in a trap set by Jamal before the match started. Jamal stood behind the player with his pistol.

"You....lose." Jamal said as he shot the player in the back of the head. The four players on the other side all got up and slammed their headsets on the ground.




"REMATCH!!!" They all yelled as Jamal grabbed his bag of chips and asked for his prize. One of the players, who was the manager, went into the back of the room and pulled out a blue case.

"What is this?" Jamal asked.

"I don't know. I couldn't open it. A man told us to give this to you if you won...."

"If I won?"

"Sigh...when you won." The manager left the room as Jamal flipped over the case. He saw a thumb print and placed his thumb. The case flew opened as Jamal saw a controller morpher.


"This is why I prefer to work alone..." William said into his headset as he stood behind his team in a co-op campaign of Galactic Wars. He was playing his video game in his lair that he made when he was a kid.

"Don't worry William...we'll finish this mission without dying or starting over." A Player said.

"Says a guy who's dead already." William looked down at the player's dead body. William stood at the entrance of the cave that was on the toughest planet in the game. He saw that the huge alien was about to fight as two other players appeared behind him.

"How are we going to pass him?" One of the players said. William sat down his controller and headset and closed his eyes. He opened them and smiled as grabbed the controller and pulled out two small loud aliens from his inventory.

"Guys...when I throw these two aliens into the cave, I want you guys to run for it...got it?"

"Got it." William slowly walked up to the alien and threw the two aliens in front of it. The huge alien hesitated but quickly began to eat them. William and the two players ran for it as they ran on the right side of the alien. "William, that was brilliant!!!" One of the players said.

"WILLIAM!!!" His mother yelled from upstairs.

"Brb guys." he said as he went upstairs. "What is it mom?"

"You have a package in the front."

"What?...how?...I didn't even order anything." William said as he walked into the front room and saw a small yellow case laying on the couch. He grabbed it and went back downstairs. He placed his thumb on the thumb print and the case opened. He saw the same morpher that Jamal and Kim saw.


Amy sat in her garage, drawing a level for her future game that she wishes to develop. It was a futuristic stealth game that would have environmental things that the player could use. She has been working on it for a few months now and loves what she has came up with. She went over to a tv screen that was paused on a stealth game called Spectre. She grabbed the controller and unpaused it. She was on the final mission and haven't died once in the game. The goal of this mission was to infiltrate the enemy's base and take him down for good. She reached the enemy who was holding the daughter of the main character captive.

"AMY!!!" Her father yelled.


"YOU HAVE A PACKAGE!!!" Amy ran into the house to see a green small case sitting on the kitchen table.

"I wanted to it open, but for some reason it has a fingerprint." Her father said as he walked out the kitchen. She slowly walked up to the case and opened it with her fingerprint. She saw the morpher and picked it up. It had Xbox buttons on it and a purple one that Amy never saw before. She also saw two buttons on opposite sides of the morpher and a small screen on top of it. The small screen turned white as a hologram of a man popout.

"Hello gamer...if you're seeing this, then that means that the case was successfully sent to you. You're probably wondering why this case was sent to you or why this weird was in the case."


"Well then it's simple...I need your help. This might sound weird or awkward coming from a man that's older than you, but this is important. The world needs your help and only you guys can stop what's coming."


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