Power Rangers Magical Warfare: Meet the Rangers

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It was a hot and sunny day in the city of Charming City as people did there everyday routines. Exercise, work, eat, talk, play video games, and watch tv. Today was the first day of a particular boy's junior year of high school. He didn't blend in with the other students of Charming High School as others wore summer clothing while he wore winter clothes. He wore a red winter jacket, Beige cargo pants, and red boots as students began to stare at him while he was waiting in line to get his class schedule. He was African American so his hair was very curly and black. His skin was caramel and his eyes were hazel.  He stood in line for hours and decided to cut the line. He slid his way in front of a huge fella and lucky for him, the huge student didn't see him.

"Hey...your cutting the line!!!!!!" A boy in a black pair of glass said as he pointed to the other boy.

"Me?...no I'm not."

"Yes you are. I just saw you." The boy stepped out of line. He wore a blue and gray shirt vest, gray dress pants, and blue formal shoes and his skin was very pale. "Cutting the line is wrong. It can lead to fighting, longer lines, some one getting hurt, someone losing an eye, someone getting jumped, someone getting kicked in the----"

"Ok, can you shut up?" The caucasian blue boy shut his mouth. "Look, I'll go back to my spot in line, ok?" The red boy walked back to his spot in line.

"Um, that wasn't your spot...."

"Yes it was.."

"No it wasn't. You were further behind."

"Bull crap!!!...I was right here and I'm gonna stay right here." The red boy slid in between two jocks as one of them looked down at him.

"What the hell do you think your doing?"

"Hey uh, you wouldn't mind if I cut in front of yah big guy...."

"Yes, I would." The jock picked up the red boy. "Do you know how long I stood in this line?...I waited two hours for the gates to open to the front yard of the school and now I've waited for two hours in line. I'm not letting a loser like you cut me." The jock threw the red boy onto another jock who wore a green varsity jacket and green timberland boots. His girlfriend was right next to him who was a cheerleader. She wore a flashy pink sparkly jacket with a white dress under it and her skin was pale.

"What the hell..Mark?!!!"

"Sorry Chase. I didn't want that red turkey cutting in front of me."

"Uh, Chasssse...he's on my new shoes!!!" Chase grabbed the red boy and pushed him away from them.

"Hey, hey now....no need for pushing."

"Get out of our sight before I hurt you." Chase warned.

"I'll like to see you try." Chase unwrapped his arm from his girlfriend as he began to walk towards the red boy. The blue boy appeared and stood between them.

"Hey hey now, no need for fighting on the first day. If you guys fight, it can lead to detention, expulsion, in school suspension---"

"Not this crap again."

"Shut up nerd. I don't have time for your rambling." Chase said as he grabbed his girl and left.

"Here's your schedule Ronnie. By the way, cool name."

"How the heck do you know my name?" Ronnie asked.

"When the jock threw you, your ID fell out." The blue boy held up Ronnie's ID which had a picture of him not smiling for the camera with a bald fade haircut.

"What the?!!!" Ronnie quickly snatched his ID before anyone else can see it.

"Hey, yours is better than mines." The blue boy held up his ID which had a picture of him with a goku type haircut and with him smiling big.

"Your names Kelli?"

"People call me Kel for short....since we have the same 1st period class , want to walk together?"

"Sigh, sure." Kel placed his arm around Ronnie which Ronnie quickly threw off.

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