Wait, why is Fred coming out my window?

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"That's so stupid." I mumbled, munching furiously on chips. I was watching reruns of Americas Funniest Home Videos, after the little school incident with Val I wasn't having it. I still can't believe he did that not even caring if I would have hated it. Which isn't true, but he had no right to do what he did. Then to top it off with "It was to quiet you're complaining" out of all of that he did it to make me be quiet, what a jerk.

The front door to the house opened, as the guys poured in coming back from school probably. I didn't give a glance towards them, and their idiotic goofing off behavior.

"No way man. It you blew it in History class. It was all quiet and the n bomb." Reece emphasized, making the other laugh.

"Y-you're such a liar." De, made it through laughing.

I heard their footsteps make it into the living room, as the laughing finally stops. Reece jumps into the space next to me giving me a toothy smile. I threw a pillow at his face. As the rest of the guys including Val, by the way I kept from looking at, came in.

"Hey, Gie, why weren't you in school." De asked.

"Yeah, you should have told someone where you were going." Val pitched in, and I totally ignored him.

"What's wrong?" Reece asked.

I dropped the chips hastily, and stomped out of the room. What happened to respecting others privacy? I was watching television; they can't just come, sit down, and expect me to tell them what was wrong. Val should know why I'm mad. I made it to Val's room and closed the door hard, making it loud and clear I'm in a bad mood.

I jumped on my bed and let the tears pile into one place. I hated the fact I couldn't see my friends, the fact that Val has taken control of me, and I worked this hard to be given a life of hell. I started to cry softly not caring if anyone was listening. I wanted to go home. My aunt is probably calling 911 right about now. Yet, who am I kidding my aunt will never want a monster like me in her house. She'll most likely kick me out.

A soft knock came from my window. I did no movement of stopping my tears or getting up to see who it is. If it was a robber or a murder they should just kill me now. End my suffering, please. It went on like that for five minutes, three knocks after three seconds. I finally got up to give the person a piece of my mind, when the window started to open. Two olive skin toned hands, were pulling the window up.

It was a boy or a male by the looks of it, and sure as hell was his arms muscular. I started to hide behind my bed, waiting for whoever it is to make their way in. I was a werewolf for God sake, what a coward-ish thing to do. The window was now fully up, as Fred jumped into my room.

"Fred!" I whispered loudly trying to register that he was in my room. Val and the boy's will kill me if they figured out he was in here. How did he even know where the room was?

"You have to leave, right now." I told him walking towards him.

"Why would I do that, I'm here to bust you out." He said, looking serious.

"You can't do that, they'll find out. Fred you need to leave, for your safety." I told him, as he looked at me curiously.

"You've been crying, what have they done to you, Gie?" He said, in threatening voice. It really sounded like he was able to take them, that he will kill him with his bare hands.

"It's nothing Fred; tell Sage I miss her and that I'll meet her someday. Yet, for now get out of here get lost." I told him, letting a few tears slip.

"You can't just leave me like this Gie. You and me are best friends, yeah I had a crush on you, and fuck I still do, but you can't just let me go away. I can't go away. I need you to know that, I'm not human. I'm a werewolf, and I've been ever since I was fifteen. Just don't leave me now." He said. He's just like me, we're both werewolves, but why did Val try to separate us?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2013 ⏰

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