Chapter 3( "The OutFit")

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Fergies POV


  "Hello." I yelled, as my voice echoed. What is this place? I thought.

 I started walking around a snowy white place. There was no exit, and I kept walking and the place seemed to be dragging on forever. I soon felt myself dropping. I screamed, but nothing came out. The wind was coming in my face, and blew my breath away; seriously, it really blew it away.

I was really scared and knew I was going to die; I was just waiting for the landing without any one there to break my fall. I closed my eyes and shut them tight. The wind was now dying down, and I could smell the forest and the trees honey suckles, and hears the pecking of tiny birds trying to find insects.

I felt so weird, I could hear well and listen well also, but no one on earth can hear a river that is 2 miles away. Wait, how did I just know that? Okay, something fishy is going on. I landed on my feet, that was a surprise, and decided to walk to the river and maybe, I might find someone there.  The sound of the water was getting louder, and I soon heard a growl, I stopped and looked around and there was nothing, strange, really strange.

  "Hello Fergie."  said a feminine voice.  The voice was very smooth and high pitched. I moved my head around looking from where that voice came from, but no one was there. I thought I heard it from the right, yet nothing was there.  I am just hearing things? "No you're not hearing things."  said the voice again.

 I looked around one more time and only saw trees and a sunlit sky. "I'm sorry for scaring you, but I'm in your head." The voice said. I froze for a minute and laughed. "Why are you laughing?" the voice was now questioning me, okay seriously.

 "Because you said you are in my head. I don't believe you." I finally managed to say through my laughing. My laughing soon died down, and the voice was gone. Finally, I thought, she will never leave.

 "I'm still here and will always be here." The voice said. Okay, now I'm starting to believe her.

 "What is your name?" I asked. I have to know here right?

 "My name is Alexandra, but you can call me Alex."  She said.

 "That's my middle name." Okay she wasn't joking, now I feel like I just missed free tickets to One Direction’s concert.

 "I know we are named after our human's middle name." she said; now I am confused. I decided to keep walking, and soon came to the clearing.

 "You see him." She said and I don't knock anyone until I saw his brad back. Sunlight hit his tanned back, and his brown hair describes a brown shiny blanket, which is dripping wet, and every time you touch it, you can't get enough. He was wearing shorts and was sitting near the river. He was dripping wet from the swim he must have had.

 He had the left leg out touching the water, and the other one was pulled up a bit so he can get his elbow on it. He took a rock and throws it over the water. With every bounce, that small black rock was making a record.

 "Yes, I see him." I whispered, but it was a little too loud. He froze and before, picking up another rock, it dropped. He turned around, but I didn't get to see his face, the one I was longing to see and wonder who it was, the face was... I was chocking, I was beginning to drown I knew I was in water, but I couldn't swim I was too weak.

  "Fergie, Fergie, Fergie, hold on I'll get an ambulance." I heard in the background as I was pulled out. The image of my Aunt Clare was fuzzy and blurry. I could only see the tears that were going down her face and the worried look. She reached for something and put it to her ear.

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