Chapter 8 ( I'm a werewolf cool, wait why am I attracted to Val??!!)

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I lowered my glasses as a shadow blocked my tanning light. I stared the person up and down, and pulled myself up.

"What do you want?" I asked Val.

"I want you to go change." he said, with a serious tone.

I looked him up and down, laid back down, and pulled my glasses on. "Can you move out of my way, please?" I asked with hand motions.

A growl came out of his mouth. "Who are you growling at?" I yelled, while the boys were snickering. I gave them a glare that shut them up.

Before you know it, a fine ass is in my view, and I feel like my blood is going to my brain. I look down and see concrete.

"Put me down you monkey butt!" I yelled, hitting his back.

He seemed to ignore me and started walking. My poundings in his back did no good, so before we entered the house, I gave up. We made our way through the house, into the elevator, and down the hallway.

He opened the door, and threw me on the bed. I pouted with my hands crossed, and stared at the floor.

"If you want to come out, or go swimming, you have to change." he said, with command in his voice.

"Who do you think you are? I don't have to do what you say! Just because I live here, that doesn't mean you have authority on what I do!" I am now breathing hard, and my face feels red.

He started shaking, and I could hear voices of his crew arriving. They started telling him to calm down, and I am so lost.

I felt a pain rip through my stomach, and I got on the floor, holding it. The pain started to spread to my legs, my arms, back, and head.

I started to scream, and the house started to get dizzy.

"Fegergie, what's wrong?" said Val, with concern.

"She's changing, Val; get her out!" screamed De.

I felt myself get picked up by Val, and the pain started to decrease, but soon I heard a pop. I howled in pain, and break after break and pop after pop kept occurring.

I touched the forest floor, with my body, and Val is holding my hand, telling me I can do this, and calling me babe. I soon fell into a black whole, in my mind, but my eyes opened like Bella's did when she changed.

The earth feels different, the sound sounds different, the smells are too deep, and scented. I stared at Val, and he had a lust look on his face.

I looked down to see white fur and legs. Compared to the boys I looked a lot shorter, and my vision became clearer.

I shakily walked over to the fountain, and looked into the water. A white snowy wolf was shown in the reflection, with brown eyes. I stuck my tongue out, and it did the same. I showed my teeth, and it did the same.

I am really a wolf or... I mean a werewolf. I turned my attention to the guys, and they all smiled.

"Hello." said Alexandra

"Hey, so is this is what you wanted to tell me?" I asked her.

"Yes, and now you will have me full time." she said proudly.

"Hey, Gie (is "Gie" the main character's first or last name? Because later she is referred to as "Fergie"), welcome to the family." said Reese coming up to hug me. The boys all came up to hug me, except Val, and I had never seen how hot he was until that moment.

His abs were shown brightly and muscular in the sunlight. His brown eyes twinkled with every blink. His stance looked powerful and sexy, with a bit of possessive in it.

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