Chapter 5 {DARED to sneak into MR. POPULAR'S HOUSE!!!?!??...}

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Fergie POV

But you didn't have to cut me off,

Make it like it never happened and that we were nothing

But I don't even need your love,

You treat me like a stranger and I feel so rough...

Sage and I were in my car heading to Fred's at the old Barn, singing at the top of our voices. The evening wind flew past us, picking up in my hair and dragging it back. With it the mixture of cool colors in the sky give you a sense of it being filled with stars.

Strangers are looking at us as we drive past like we are from a different planet; but we didn't care, because obviously this is my favorite song. I turned the radio down at Kimbra's part, but Sage didn't notice because she was using all her energy trying to sing the high part.

I gave her a minute, and she soon looked at me and blushed. "I have a question to ask you," I told her as we stopped at a red light. A moment passed, and the light changed to green. I pulled out into the road smoothly.

"Do you remember what happened at Fred's party last Friday?" I asked her, looking straight ahead. The light ahead turned yellow and I started to slow down to a stop.

"What do you mean?" she asked. I could see her looking at me from the corner of my eye, and she tensed a bit. I turned my head to her and stared into her eyes.

"Between me and Fred," I told her. She looked surprised.

'Yellow,' said Alex, my inner wolf.

'I'm busy, so piss off,' I told her and went back to looking at Sage.

A car honked at us, and I jumped. I turned my head to the light and saw it was green. I started driving fast, and waited for an answer from Sage.

"Well, are you going to answer?" I snapped at her. I don't know what came over me, but I had begun to feel mad. I saw her jump at my words.

"Well, um, y-y-you handed F-Fred your phone, and you guys flirted a little," she stuttered. I felt sorry for scaring her.

"What do you mean we, flirted?" I asked her. We were getting to the countryside; valleys and grassy hills started appearing through the side windows, and the sky turned purple now.

"Well, you, um... ah... said some things," she replied, fidgeting with her hands.

"Like what?" I asked through clenched jaws. We were close to the old barn now, past the big lake.

"You gave him a kiss on the cheek, and you told him you wanted to lick his abs," she said, sounding worried. I slammed on the brakes, and Sage and I were jerked forward.

"I said and did what?" I was extremely shocked- why didn't I remember any of this? Sage looked so scared now, as if Derek from Teen Wolf was about to pop out of the woods next to us.

'Dirty little Fergie want to get freaky,' said Alex.

'Oh, put an Edward in it,' I told her. It seemed she had listened, because I didn't get any reply.

"Sage, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," I told her, and a smile appeared on her face.

"I know," she said with a toothy smile. I stared at her, shocked. "What?" she asked, looking confused.

"You were... but then... you acted like... huh," I said, giving her a confused look.

She patted my arm.

"Just drive, woman, before Fred gets worried," she said, straightening up and looking ahead.

I started the car and drove.


We reached the rusty old barn, and Fred stood outside with his hands in his blue jeans. A feeling of nervousness and worry came to my body and hit hard. The car slowed down to a stop, and the engine soon cut off. Sage got out of the car and made her way to the barn while I took my time. The moon was now shining bright in the sky and the owls soon started asking their questions.

I entered the barn and everything was just how we left it. The fridge was in the back corner with some coolers, and the carpet I steal holding up. I looked up to see the swing we set up, and the bright light is still lighting the room nicely.

Fred and Sage sat near the TV with beer bottles in place in front of them. I made my way to the fridge and grabbed a bottle for myself. I took my seat next to Sage, and the room fell silent except for the noise of the TV.

I stole a glance at Fred and his eyes didn't move from looking ahead, and Sage was the same way. Law and Order wasn't that interesting, so why weren't they talking? Why did it feel silent? What was missing?

'Stop asking yourself all of these questions, you're giving me a brain freeze,' Alex said.

'Oh, shut up, you're in my head, and brain freeze is when you eat something cold,' I told her, very annoyed that she was back.

'Whatever keeps you satisfied,' she replied. I remembered about that dream and how Alex told me to look at that boy. Maybe she knows who he is.

'Hey Alex, who was the boy in my dream?' I asked her. I waited two minutes and figured she'd gone mute. I opened the cap to my bottle and started drinking.


"Hey, I dare you to call me sexy." said Sage, falling off her beanbag chair.

Well, you guys probably missed a whole lot. Although, let me tell you, this beer does get you drunk. Fred started laughing his butt off at something Sage must have said. I took another large gulp of beer and tried to finish the last drop hiding inside the bottle.

"Gie, it's your turn," said Fred with a smirk. I smiled back at him and thought of a really good dare.

"Okay, I dare you to sneak into Val's house." I told him, waiting for his reply.

He looked at me in shock, and gulped loudly. "No way, I'm not doing it," he said, pouting like a five-year-old.

"You're such a pussy," I teased him.

"Well, if you're not a pussy, why don't you do it?" Fred replied, and I stared at him in shock.

"Do what?" asked Sage. Tell me again why we lost Sage and she only came at the end of the conversation?

"Fergie, I dare you to sneak into Valentino Winter's house tomorrow evening." Now it was my turn to gulp. I had no choice but to let the bad girl in me decide.

Valentino POV

School was normal today, but the feeling of having someone want Fergie was driving me crazy. I kept glancing at her during all four classes we had together, and I didn't see anyone.

My worries came to an end when I saw Fred looking at her in lust. My blood was boiling and I could feel myself getting hot. A ring of a cell phone interrupted my emotions. I took the phone from my inside jean pocket, and answered it.

"Hello," I said through my teeth.

"Hello son, I have someone on their way to have a conference with you about being Alpha," my father said in a business tone. I tried to control my anger.

"Dad, I said before, I'm not going until I find my mate," I told him as calmly as I could.

"He will be here tomorrow evening," he said, then disconnected the phone.

I put my face in my hands. Fergie, just fall into my arms already.


Okay so I finally uploaded YAY!!, ")

Thanx love for reading and commenting ") I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS ONE ")

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