Chapter 2 ( Let's dance.. no I mean strip. I'm confused now?!?

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Click! Was all I heard before pain shot through my ear. I decided to get a new piercing, which connected from the top of my ear, where there is bones, to the other side. It hurt really bad, which caused me to hold my aunts hand like a child. Yet, it didn't hurt enough for me to cry, but yell.

I spent the whole day at the mall with my Aunt. We first went to get my brunette hair curlier and shoulder length. We then started walking to the clothes stores.

We came into stores I would have never even thought about approaching. They all looked like the same thing, trying to make girls show to much. My Aunt started picking clothes from the racks and made me try them on. She gave me fashion tips like wearing skinny jeans would look good with converse or pumps. Wear a pencil skirt with a sexy white top or try making black stand with other colors.

My aunt promised when I got home that she would teach me how to be confident for now it's time to eat. My aunt took my plan glasses and got me the one celebrity's wear on TV that looked really hot. Yet, she bought me contacts if the glasses were too much sometimes.

I was biting down on my cheeseburger, and my aunt was giving me make-up tips. Although I don't like make-up, I would only apply a little than what the Barbie's put on. We got up and I caught someone looking at me from the corner of my eyes, but when I looked there was no one. Okay, this is pretty weird, so let's get going.

I looked up and saw Nick Andrews, one of Valentino's friends. He gave me a wink first then tried to charm me with his smile. I wasn't used to the confidents, just yet, so all I did was blush and look down, while my aunt took care of it.

"Who might you be, smacking my niece's ass in the mall?" She was what every daughter could wish for. Seriously, it can't be only me, right?

"Sorry, but with a body and face like that, dudes will sure want to copy my new IPhone wallpaper." He smirked and did something with his phone, then showed my Aunt.

Aunt Clare whispered something in my ear, but all I heard was Dare, Let, Him, Keep. I was now on the verge of wanting to regret following her, but a dare is a dare, right?

"Well, if you want, but don't think dirty, okay?" I gave him a flirtatious wink, and started walking until he grabbed my arm. I turned around so fast, everything was moving in slow motion. He came two inches close, from mines, and all I can see or stare at was his lips.

"I like what you did to yourself Fergie; can't wait to see you at Fred's party." I was now bright red with up unease.

"You better not tell anyone or show that to anyone until the party okay?" He gave me a smirk, and just like that he left. Why was he alone? I mean the group always does things together, but he was alone this time. Maybe all of them are in this mall and just got separated. Wait, Wolfie might be here, oh no.

"Aunt Clare, what the hell?" we were now going to buy new clothes, and Aunt Clare was smiling the whole way.

"What Gie? You wanted to be popular and bad right?" She smiled at me. "Gie, I know you're not doing this for a boy, or am I wrong?" she was so right, wait, was she? Am I really doing this for myself or for a boy?

I looked back at her and shook my head." That's good, because you will find the perfect one for you sooner, so don't attract too much attention, like what happened back there." I looked at her with and smiled. Why can't I convince myself that this is for me and not for a boy? I just sighed.

It was finally time for how-to-be-confident lessons at my house and I was doing pretty well.

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