Val likes me { but why do I feel so different?!? }

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I snuggled into a soft pillow letting out a soft sign, yet the pillow seemed to be longer than, it should be too. I squeezed a part of the pillows, and heard a sexy moan.

My eyes shot open, and I didn't waste time kicking the person. A sound of pain was heard around my room and I grabbed the knife from my black hat, and held it as I crawled to the end of the bed.

I came to the end holding my knife to Val's face. I turned red as a tomatoe and heard the boys coming down the hall. The door bursted open like fireworks exploded in here.

"What the hell happened?" asked Nick.

As he said that they looked at the floor seeing a rolling Val.

"What the hell, Why were you in my bed sleeping with me!?" is screamed furious .

"You were... Crying yes...terday and.. I Wanted.. To conform you." NHL said through the pain.

My mind shut down and my wolf started to pure inside me. He finally got up and the boys left seeking it was no issue.

"I never got to tell you that I love you a lot, and I'm sorry for making you cry." he said rubbing his back neck.

I didn't know what to say, I was speechless and shocked. Val the alpha slash almost king apologized to me. It felt like a whole newspaper stations was in my head and they got a new story.

I looked into Val's green eyes and got lost in them. We were two inches apart from kissing, before I put my finger on his lips.

"Ah ah ah, we have school wolf boy, lets go." I said and ran to the bathroom.

I turned back to see a furious Val and giggles as I closed the door. I took my shower and brushed my teeth with my new tooth brush. I went through my hair win a brush, and saw that it was getting longer.

I started on my outfit not carrying what I wore, so I took floral skinnies, a white dress blouse, and white pumps for make-up I did nothing but mascara and lipstick, but not red, peach is better.

I grabbed my channel strap bag and headed down to where the others stood. They were all at the door waiting, for me and Val.

"Don't we get breakfast? " I asked.

"We go to McDonald to get that." said Reese and all the boys started high five him like the dummies they are. I heard foots steps coming and knew the foot steps were Val's.

He soon entered with a black v neck and white Levi jeans, he wore sperrys, and a white hollister neckles, I smelt the air and his Abercrombie perfume was hitting me hard like a bitch. I could almost hear my wolf pure inside me.

He gave me a smirk."You done checking me out gorgeous?" He said giving me wiggled eyebrows.

I rolled my eye at em "Get your head out of cloud nine." I told him, as his smirk fell.

I made my way to he door in front of the boys. "Let's go boys!" I yelled and raced them out side. I love racing in heels, better to show them I'm faster no matter what I wear.

I ran down the mansion front steps, and into the opened yard. I waited for the slow men to make their way to me. I tapped my feet in anyyance until I heard them behind me.

"Let's go with the Land Rover." said Reese.

"I call shotgun running to the fancy white looking car."

The others tried to run after me, but I got in and shut the door. Nick tried to go to the other side, but failed by a push from Val. I just laughed at them, and wished I had popcorn.

Three minutes later, and we were all sitting in a seating arrangement due to Val's alpha voice. Val was driving, I was shotgun, and the three boys sat on the back with sour looks on their faces.

We pulled up to the McDonald drive through, and before the woman can say anything we started shouting.

"I want a chicken biscuit"!

"I want a smoothie!"

"I want pancakes."

"I want coffee!"

"Quiet!" yelled Val.

"I want a hamburger!" yelled De.

We all turned to look at him with straight faces.

"They don't make lunch until 11:00am!" we all yelled at poor De.

"Well, than I'll have everything." he said with a toothy smile.

"Hungry Pig." mumbled Nick.

"What you say, you want a piece of me?" said De with clinched fists.

"What you think I'm scared of you?" said Nick, and all hell broke loose.

"I'm going in." I said, angrily headed for the two ass wholes.

"We arrived in school with each one food item, and Nick and De with bruised faces, and other parts.

"Now that was fun." I said with a innocent smile.

"Said the girl that beat the shit out of us." said Nick.

"Do you want more?" I asked, looking him and De up and down.

"No we are good, just please don't do that again." De pleased.

I smirked and walked out of the car. As soon as I stepped out Val was face to face with me. His head went to the my right side of my head sending rockets everywhere.

"That was quite sexy back there." he said in my ears, than gave me a wink, and walked to school with his crew.

I walked with them while, people started to crowd, us and whispers about me and the Crew. We entered in the school, and everybody human and werewolf parted like the red sea for us.

"See you at lunch." said the boys.

"Wait, what?" I asked.

"Even thought your a wolf I can't have you be by yourself, so I have one of us in each of your classes." said Val with a smirk.

I just have him a frustrated sigh, and made my way to my locker with Nick behind me. I opened my locker, but a head popped in the way.

"Gie is that you? I thou-." she was cut of with Nick caring her and placing her behind me. I turned around and a nick and me were face to face.

"Val said you can't interact with any of your friends, because you might spill the secret." he said glaring at Sage.

I looked at Sage with sad eyes, and she looked me up and down and left stomping off. I felt like my whole life is being taken away from me. I wish I had never choose the dare World.

I closed my locker and headed to my first class which I have with both my best friends and Nick. I entered in and saw Sage looking at the board while Jake was shooting daggers at Nick.

I sat down and took out my pencil and note book, waiting for the teacher to arrive.

The bell rang for lunch and I jumped out of my seat leaving De to trail behind me. I opened the door to the cafeteria and marched to Val's table. Everyone in the cafeteria's eyes were on me waiting for what will happen next.

"Why are you ruining my life!" I yelled at Val. I was furious with steam coming out of my ears.

"I didn't do anything it was your idea." he said munching on his pizza, like nothing happened.

"I hate you. I hate what you did to me, I hate how I feel about you, I hate how everything you do makes me shaver inside, I hate-." the power of kissing took over.

Val's POV

I kissed her, I kissed my mate. After the morning incident I didn't want anything but to kiss her, and feel her soft full lips on mine.

Ever dream I had and future I want stands in her hands. We are leaving soon, but all I need is for her to trust me. How will I get her to come to the royal kingdom with me?

We pressed our foreheads together, how simple I wish life was.

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