Chapter 1

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Taking my head out of my hand I walk over to the coffee machine and put down a dollar in a little cup next to it. The coffee is bitter, but I'm used to it, and I could use the warmth at the moment. I sit down and stare blankly at the darkness of my world, occasionally sipping the rapidly cooling coffee I so graciously paid for. I have been here for 5 years and no longer do I run into walls, or trip over my own two feet.

I am well adapted to my new life of darkness, sometimes using transmutation circles I cut out into the souls of my shoes to 'see' but I don't really need them and only use them if I'm fighting (imagine the scene from avatar the last air bender when it shows how Tough 'sees'. Yeah that's you)

I hear strong footfalls coming towards the doorway and I turn my head.
"(Y/N), We've found two boys your age claiming to be state alchemists. I need you to keep eye on them," the voice of General Armstrong rang out into the small break room.

"Yes, general, I'll follow you," I say as a statement more than anything. On our walk to the room where the boys were being held General Armstrong explained the situation of how they found the boys and how I now need to, essentially, babysit them.
Just fantastic, really, I get to babysit people who don't know anything about this place,' I thought to myself.

When we finally reached the room I listened to the sound of everyone breathing in the room, I counted two not including me. 'Didn't she say there were two boys?' I wondered.

Pretty soon I got my answer when the General spoke up.
"This is (Y/N), the ears of this place. Nothing happens around the fort that she doesn't hear about so don't even try to keep secrets,"

I Kept a straight face as she told the frightened boys my role in the Fort. It was difficult as she was highly exaggerating my abilities, I have a very well developed since of hearing I guess you could say. As thick as these walls were I could hear into the next room with ease, that had proven useful on multiple occasions when we were trying to crack down on spy's.

As she was talking I thought about why I couldn't hear the second boys breathing. I heard three people in the room with me, what with all the shifting around and stuff, but only two heart beats. I thought about different possibilities when I finally reached a solid conclusion. It's unnerving to see there are people in this world as stupid as me.

"Leave finding this Alcehestry girl to me. (Y/N) will be showing you both around until we can trust you," I caught the end of their conversation. I turn towards the General and cocked my head in question,
"Yes, you can show them around now, keep an eye on them for me."

I nodded and smiled as I turned towards the boys. "As you know I'm (Y/N)," I say cheerfully, "I'll take you to the doc to see what she can do about that automail," I say, guessing the decidedly smaller boy had an automail leg at least from the uneven footsteps that were created as he walked.

I felt across the wall for the marks I had made on the first day in this place. Little lines and dashes and half circles that only I can read. I made them so I could memorize the layout of the fort. I don't need them anymore, but it's nice to know they're there.

A little while into our walk they started asking questions.
"Hey (Y/N), how'd you end up in a place like this anyway?" Ed asked.
"Let's just say There are some people who don't like me too much." I say with a light and happy tone. As if it didn't bother me at all that I was stuck in a frozen hell.

"Why, what did you do?" Al asked curiously. I didn't like all the questions very much so I decided to answer with a question of my own.
"So how did you end up in that armor hmm? And the automail? I bet i have an idea." I say as I turn a corner and walk into the doc's little lab area. I feel them both stiffen as soon as the words leave my mouth. The woman who makes all the automail (doc) walked in.

"Good luck with these ones doc," I say, tapping my foot and hearing the sound echo around the room of which only I could hear, "you're gonna need it if my instincts are correct." I say ominously.

"Oh and boys, you don't have to tell me anything. Nobody can keep secrets around here with me around," I say with I smile. "I'll check up on you later once you've gotten your upgrades. Stay warm." And with that I make my exit, whistling the whole way.

Edward Elric X blind readerWhere stories live. Discover now