Chapter Forty-Four - Libby

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Chapter Forty-Four - Libby

The sun is shining in through the window of the plane, and I don't even blink in surprise. This is what Bentley would want, and who is to deny his wishes? Certainly not the big man upstairs.

All the while, I'm struggling to convince myself that I am not repeating the past - that I am not coming to New York to fall in love.

Because I already am... right?

I shake my head at myself, disgusted that I'm even questioning myself. Of course I love Graham.

I think back to our goodbyes at the airport back in Texas, and how when we were hugging one of those hugs that made me never want to let go, He still infiltrated my thoughts. Despite the tight hold Graham had around my waist, I couldn't help but remember how His hold around me was lighter, but just as affectionate.

As we were parting, Graham kissed my forehead once more before whispering in my ear, "Please come back." And I just looked at him, my chest torn, as I remembered wanting to hear those exact words from another boy six months ago.

I grimace at the memory now and shake my head as the pilot announces over the intercom that we're beginning to descend. The plane is full, as it is the week of Christmas, and getting off the actual machine took at least forty-five minutes after landing.

When I see the Starbucks on my right as I walk to the luggage carousel, I don't even hesitate to walk past it. This trip is not a repeat of the last one.

And then I see a face that I didn't know I've been dying to see for so long.

Leaning against a luggage cart stood Jimmy, a smirk coiled on his lips and his wiry features bundled with suave. My heart hammers hard in my chest and I find myself running into several people in my hurry to reach him. I try to keep my cool as I approach, but I'm sure that the excitement that is pumping inside me is showing in all of my features.

Because he's right here.

"Libby," Jimmy greets, his smirk gone and a broad smile has replaced it.

"Your teeth are too shiny," I try to joke, but a half-sob shakes my body. He laughs nonetheless and engulfs me in his arms, his musky scent getting all over me. "And you stink."

He steps away from me but keeps his hands deadset on my shoulders. "You got meaner," he comments, a devious smirk making a reappearance.

"And smarter," I shrug, and when someone clears their throat beside us, I finally take my gaze away from my former roommate and fall into a heap of "holy shits" when I see the man that stands there with the meekest smile on his face.

He's, to put it mildly, hot.

He's bulkier than Jimmy, with the most beautiful green eyes behind clear-rimmed glasses. His ponytail holds only a bit of hair and a small grin makes its way to my face because of it. "Hello," I say, because how else am I supposed to greet someone who's witnessing my mood swings?

Jimmy squeezes my shoulders and then slides them back into his pockets as he nudges the man beside him in the side. "This is James."

I smile a little more when I realize that maybe this stranger isn't as much of a stranger after all. "Hey," he smiles and reaches his hand out to meet mine. After shaking hands we talk a little more about the weather outside and their ride here when we all finally decide it's time to start heading out.

The small suitcase I packed fit easily in the trunk of James' car, and as I slip onto the back bench and the mousse-y car freshener stings my nose, I know I'm in for a long ride.

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