(34) Ways to Annoy Your Friends Parents

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1. When you get denied from coming over ding-dong-ditch them until they invite you inside then take their tv remote, then leave.

2. Have tea and cookies inside your friends closet when you say you have to use the bathroom.

3. If you ask for a snack take a large family sized bag of chips even if they say no.

4. Come over in a suba diving suit and say your ready for a intense knitting circle.

5. Lick a picture of somebody's relative and whisper "they don't know about us."

6. Sit on the couch as spread-leggedly as you please.

7. When offered lunch say no thank you, but poke everyone with forks.

8. Sprawl out on the diner table and say your ready to eat the pancakes.

9. Walk though the house like you own the the place and randomly stroke the walls and when someone gives you a dirty look ask them why they killed the original owner.

10. Sneak up on the dad in the mothers dress and ask if he'll make you some waffles.

11. If there is a kitten or small pet around the house let it go and replace it with sugar packets and say you got hungry but you bring a trade.

12. When an old movie comes on throw popcorn at the screen and blame it on the dog.

13. Turn on all the faucets starting a small flood for a pool party.

14. Throw away all the hair products and say your saving the o-zone layer.

15. Walk behind a parent and start twerking and when they turn around and accuse you of doing something poke thier eye and run.

16. Take the youngest child and give them a makeover with expensive eyeliner.

17. When having a sleep over ask if you can have extra lamps for boogie man protection.

18. Kick a wall then run away.

19. Look though the library of books and causally rip pages out and maybe bite a few.

20. When the family is talking about a deceased pet act really happy and if they ask why you could possibly be happy about this serious topic, mumble something about how it took your shoe.

21. Go cross eyed and lick the windows mumbling "dirty mortals..."

22. Sing Mary Had A Little Lamb at the top of your lungs when everyone's sleeping and blame it on PMS-ing.

23. Take all the pants and make a fort out of them and hiss at anyone who comes near you.

24. Dress up as slender man and kick the neighbor.

25. Give birth on the patio.

26. Hang on the chandler and scream "FOR SPARTA!"

27. While everyone's asleep during a sleep over wake up the oldest son and ask for feminine products.

28. Tell the parents they are in time out, in Candy Mountain.

29. Play the song "Grind With Me" and start having the meeting for Narnia protection program.

30. Photo bomb with a unicorn horn and a thong pulled over your face.

31. Sing everything you say but with a different accent every sentence.

32. Sing "SQUIRRELS IN MY PANTS" every time you need a pee.

33. Tell the mom you can't go 'wee wee' with out somebody there to make sure no monsters will out of the toilet and bite your butt.

34. When somebody asks you if your allergic to anything in the lunch go into great detail about when you once got locked in a hamster cage.

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