(24) Ways To Annoy Zombies

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Erkay to start this off I would like to say, yes I did delete the new girl... It was just boring. And Draycil... And the story of my life... Let's just forget about the books I've negecleted! I wanted to post a dareeeeeeee :D it sounds fun.

SO: If we get five votes on this chapter and if we get 350 reads on this book altogetherrrrrrr I will...


Ill write a chapter with one hundred ways and not stop until I get there! whoop! I'm looking forward to stayin up past two-o-clock thinking of ways to annoy people.

So I love you all my little peachies, have a safe Halloween, and tell me what your going as in the comments! (your never to old to go trick or treating.) or tell me what you would like to go as.


1. Lock one in a cage and flick your finger in its face saying "Waggle waggle," while wiggling your eyebrows flirtatiously.

2. Go into a abandoned restaurant while the zombies are swarming around it and continually moan and say how full you are and how fat your going to be after this meal.

3. Put on a shirt that says "EAT ME BRO" and crush all of there skulls with baseball bats if they walk towards you.

4. Put chains on one so it cant touch you and go up to its face and say "So I understand Daryl met your family. I'm so jealous!"

5. Do the chicken dance while prancing all around singing 'Who let the dogs out' and constantly complain about how tired and weak you are and how much you don't want to move.

6. Slowly bike around the block with an sliced off arm tied to your back. Wait till they catch up then speed off again.

7. Start twerking on cars then scream wildly if a zombie goes near you.

8. Go up behind one and slap it on the back of its head and scream "Your it!" and run away.

9. Rip his arm off and punch him with it. Nothing annoys a zombie more than being abused by its own arm.

10. Put a sign on its back that says 'KICK ME IF YOUR HUNGRY'.

11. Play the song 'I'm sexy and I know it' as a hoard of zombies walk pass and start pointing out the SUPER hot ones.

12. Go up to one and comfort him. Tell him everything is okay. Pet his head then smash his skull.

13. Tie one up and pretend its a dog.

14. Go 'Clothes shopping'. (Go around snatching any clothing that looks nice from the undead :D)

15. Give them pet names like Spot, Fluffy Killer ect.

16. Drag one home and go around to every thing in the house saying "You can't eat that... or that... you really can't eat that!"

17. Duct tape ones arm to a pole. Let a herd of animals pass by. Wait to see if the zombie will rip its own arm off to get to the animals.

18. Start punching one in the nose and say "Can you feel that?" Then start stabbing its face and say "Can you feel that?"

19. Ask a really ugly one if he'll come home with you so your sister can take it to school for show and tell.

20. Keep one locked up in your closet and open it slowly. Whisper "Shhhhh... they'll never know..." then close it and walk away strangely.

21. Ask if he's wearing a mask. Rip his face off then whisper "Ohhhhh..."

22. Command, "Waggles, come here." If he doesn't come (act like he's a dog) rip off the ear of another zombie and hold it out in front of you. Say "WAGGLES COME HERE IF YOU WANT THE FRIGGIN TREAT."

23 give him a tutu and name him Sparkles.

24. Start punching his face then run.

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