(45) Ways To Annoy People At Football Games

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1. Cheer for the wrong team.

2. Pretend your a mind reader and scream the final scores at the beginning of the game.

3. Chuck chewed up hotdog bites at children's faces.

4. Snuggle up to the cute stranger next to you and say "We're saving the heat bill..." (When your outside.)

5. Get up in front of people every five minutes to buy food or use the bathroom. (Also applies when a good part of the game is going on.)

6. Start farting loudly.

7. Take off your shoes and rest your feet on the person in front of you. Preferably there shoulders or ear lobes.

8. Scream "BOMB" during the game when you mean "this game is the bomb, yo!" just to supportive.

9. When the other team gets a point start twerking until you realize you didn't get the point.

10. Ask the people next to you what every single thing is when it happens.

11. Scream "TOUCH DOWN" when your team loses.

12. Wear seven pairs of socks and take them all off slowly in front of someone else's face.

13. Eat chili and enchiladas.

14. Put on a really large and annoying hat.

15. Cook roasted apples during the game in the bleachers and offer them to bystanders for $10.

16. Break dance to the song Clarity.

17. (Only works if your up close) Scream your favorite football team members name until they look at you then throw cornchips in there eyes so you can claim you shared a snack with (fav team memb.)

18. Dump beer over a strangers head just to get on the jumbo screen.

19. Ask somebody if they happen to have an extra tampon.

20. Accuse everything of being 'home run'.

21. Yell at people calling them the opposite gender.

22. Sniff the football when the team is isn't looking.

23. Take the hottest guy on teams sweat band and ring it so the sweat comes out, then keep it forever in a locket.

24. Run out on the football field and start singing "PARTY IN THE USAAAAAAAAA!"

25. Start randomly punching people's children.

26. Lick someone's ear.

27. Do some yoga moves in the bleachers.

28. Yawn and complain about there not being five star service.

29. Put a demented smile on and say in a creepy voice "Silly humans and there make believe games..."

30. Start eating the chair.

31. Tell the guy next to you in great detail about the time you got sucked into your grandfathers photograph and how you had to live through the 1940's until you got to this years date and were set free.

32. When someone try's to sit in the empty seat next you scream, "DON'T YOU SEE MY PET TURTLE SITTING THERE? Humans and there petty foolery..."

33. Move around a lot in the chair moaning.

34. Start eating watermelons and spitting the seeds in people hair.

35. When the team wins a point explain how that simple was not possible to yourself.

36. Take your phone out and call Shanaynay and your gang about how much fun you had at the club during a sad and silent moment.

37. Have a loud discussion over which assurance agency is better to the guy next to you.

38. Take a handful of the person that sit next to you's popcorn. Explain it was cheaper for yourself if you take other people's food than buy expensive things with your own money.

39. Laugh loudly when somebody gets tackled. Then cry dramatically when you get a point for your team.

40. Stab your self repeatedly in front of a little kids.

41. Start bleeding in the person sitting next to you's popcorn.

42. Scream that the tall fork thingy sticking out of the ground on he football field is a danger hazard.

43. Start reading loudly Fifty Shades Of Gray out loud when the announcer is talking.

44. Smile crazily at the kids behind you and ask if they would like some candy. Drop a random bag under you and say if they want it they have to get it.

45. Do all these with swag.

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