(30) Ways To Annoy People In The Bathroom

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1. Forget a towel so run though the house naked to get one.

2. Dance in the shower until you fall and make a big thud and repete.

3. Drink milk in the shower.

4. Sing like JB.

5. Use all the hot water while practicing your X-Factor addision in the bathroom with water running.

6. Write a play and act it all out so you scream "Dub thee!" and "Is thou here-th to rescue-th me-th?"

7. Take an hour to comb your hair with the water running, THEN get in the shower.

8. Disuse world peace and children hunger in the on the toilet.

9. Jump loudly and annoyingly in the bathroom until somebody comes up and yells at you but act like the person is insane.

10. Pretend your in the movie Titanic so when you spash the water in the tub act like your drowning and dying. That would be fun.

11. Have a yelling contest with your siblings. (While naked of course.)

12. Make homemade perfume by dumping all the shampoo out of the bottle, for that freshly dumped shampoo smell, then crush your moms roses and blend them to make something yummy. Then tell your sister its a new candy drink. TASTY.

13. Act british (Unles you are... then act American!) and scowld at random people with your pinky up.

14. Draw a circle in the bathyub and say its your own personal bubble. Hiss at anyone who trys to enter.

15. Set up a camp in the cabniets so when somebody needs a towel you can hand them one. (And scare the shazoodles out of them).

16. Invite people over for a sleep over. YOU get your own bedroom, then everyone else can make room in the bathroom tub...

17. Have tea and scones with a bear. While also taking a shower.

18. Sit outside the bathroom door like a hobo and beg for hotel sized shampoos and mini bars of soap.

19. Ask your mom "Where the hoes at?" then explain you wanted to water the flowers.

20. While sitting on the tiolet, taking a dump, write 1001 ways to annoy people in bathrooms.

(21-28 from Ducktoast45)

21. Use lipstick/other makeup products on your face, but not your actual face, on the reflection of your face in the mirror.

22. Talk to people from the other side of stall door.

23. Write your number on mirror in lipstick.

24. Spray febreeze on everything someone touches ex. After they pee, spray toilet, after they wash hands spray faucet, while they're washing off soap spray soap dispenser, ect.

25. Crawl under doors and lock them all and then don't walk out until someone comes in.

26. Wash feet instead of hands.

27. Take bath in sink.

28. Accidentally drop jillions of bouncy balls from your purse while in a stall.

29. Paint the walls a different color because you want to.

30. Pee all over mirror.

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