(28) Ways To Annoy Darth Vader

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1. Say "come to the bright side... we have waffles."

2. Ask if he was ever considering growing his hair out.

3. Mock his breathing in his ear.


5. Laugh historically and if he asks why your laughing get all serious and point a gun at his mask without even cracking a grin.

6. Whisper "I knew you were trouble when you walked in..." then back away slowly without making eye contact.

7. Start biting his coat thingy and if he says something about it scream "JORDAN WOULD HAVE SAID THAT!" then run to the nearest corner.

8. Start singly Demons by Imagine Dragons (amazing song btw) in the melody of the star wars theme song.

9. Ask him if he can get you a discount light saber then nudge him flirtatiously.

10. Dress up in a hippy peace sign outfit with a flower crown on then say "when's the next meeting?" then wink.

11. During one of his important evil death ceremonies or what ever dark lords do whisper really loudly "What? No! You dog! you haven't even asked me out yet!"

12. Tickle him until he laughs and gasp. (Does he ever laugh? I don't know I dont watch Star Wars lol my family does :D)

13. Scream "I need... a book shelf.... to satisfy... MY NEEEEEDDDDSSSS!" When he is in a dark conversation.

14. When he's a at a fun up beat party dance over to him and say "Soo..." *nudge nudge* "When you guna die?"

15. Poke his mask and wait for its expression to change. But sense I won't... Continue poking his mask.

16. Push him into a dark worm home of wonder. (By my sister).

17. Point to the Death Star and say "Im renaming it the peace hexagon."

18. Rip out his breathing tube from his mask and run around with it dancing and doing the Harlem shake on it.

19. Hire Chubacua to follow him around and constantly step on his cape.

20. Tell him there's a rumor that his moms a blender.

21. Give him a brochure to LCCC.

22. Hit his space ship with a hammer until it cracks open and everyone dies.

23. Say "I had fun last night..." then wink.

24. Ask "Bro how did you even get your son? your not the most hottest Ambercrombie model...".

25. After a battle seen walk by him close enough for him to hear you, then without making eye contact talk to your self and say "Well some ones on there period..."

26. Slap him. Just slap him.

27. Ask for twenty bucks then walk away.

28. Offer him some help.

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