Telling The Truth

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The truth is the only thing people want to hear. No lies. If there was anything thay means more than money and friendship is the truth. They say the truth will set you free. Actually it does. The truth can either make you or break you. If you can handle it or if you can not. If you can accept it or decline it. People say they want the truth and when you give the truth they are trying to make their heart decline it. They will tell you to say it's a lie but it is the flat truth.

Naruto was running from the training area with a huge smile plastered to his face. He ran and ran, bumbed in person after persons, jumping over children after children and at one point knocking over a apple-stall in which got some words like 'you fucking kyuubi come back the fuck here!'

He shrugged but continued running to the destined place. He was only five step away from the place when a jonin appeared infront of him. It was like his life flashed infront of his face. He slid to stop but that wasn't enough, he was going to hit the jonin but his instinct kicked in so he did a double handspring.

He was irritated that someone was going to stop him from doing that.

"What do you want?" He said with lust escaping his voice.

The jonin flinched but composed himself back again.

"The hokage wishes to consult with you." He said in a cold tone.

"Can't he consult with me later? I have somewhere to go and places to be." He said trying to hold back his killer intent.

"No, hokage-sama said it was very important."

He sighed "Ok, before you teleport there can you bring me along with you?"

It was the jonin's time to sigh. He placed his right hand on the latters left shoulders and with a poof of white smoke screen they disappeared and reappeared in the third's office.

"Oh, Naruto I see your here already, lets start business."

"Old man I was busy doing something that can affect my life."

"Be res-" he got cut off by Hiruzen when he raised his right hand signaling him to 'shut the fuck up.'

"What are you talking about Naruto?"

"I am talking about I was going on a date the the most beautiful girl in all of Konoha!" He practically screamed.

Everyone in the office was stunned, Iruka's eyes were bulged out, Kakashi's eyes were bulged out (well eye as only one could be seen." Asuma's, Kurenai's, Gai's and some other jonin's had disbelief even the ANBU in which knew him but had masks over there face had it in their eyes. The Hokage's mouth was on his desk with drool escaping from it's captivity.

"H-He has a d-date, and I am still single. He is a moron and I am a genius and still gets the girl, nice just fucking nice." An ANBU mumbled to himself.

"Naruto who is this 'lucky' girl. I know you got good taste in women, so do she have  wonderful figure?" Hiruzen asked with stars in his eyes.

"Gramps are you suppose to be questioning me about my personal life or you brought me here to talk business?" He asked with a smirk.

The Hokage sighed in depression and defeat not before the latter changed his mind and told him about her.

"Many people tried to buy her but I am the one who got her, she has that hour glass shape. When you spin her around her beauty is a weakness to all the men followers. The first kiss we shared I knew I was in love."

Everyone in the third's office drew closer. They all expected to hear a name.

"Her." He started.

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