Chapter 25

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I was nervous. Really really nervous. Gareth would come and pick me at less than half an hour. But I was ready. I didn't want me to be late in our first date. I looked once again nervously at my watch. Okay at Ellen's watch. Ellen helped me dress make up myself and all these kind of things. But I was still nervous. What if things don't work for me tonight ? I wanted to call Ellen again but she was at the movies having more fun than me right now. Why on earth didn't we just join the others at the movies ? I felt so uncomfortable and I had no idea where we were about to go. What if we go to an expensive restaurant ? Okay of course I won't pay since it's the first date but you never know. There are guys like this. But Gareth was not one of these guys. Gareth was a real gentleman. At nine punctually he rang the doorbell. Thanks God my parents were not here tonight because I was sure that my father would ask Gareth all these questions that would embarrass me. Dad was pretty good at doing this.
- Hi.
I said as I opened the door.
- Hi.
He said smiling at me. He was hot as always but at the same time hotter than any other time.
- You look amazing.
He said and I blushed.
- Thanks. You too.
- Shall we go ?
He asked offering me his hand. He opened the door in his car for me.
- Where to ?
I asked wanting to fill the silence between us.
- You'll see. It's a surprise.
Fast enough I realised that we were heading to his house which I have never been to. We reached his house. He opened again the car door for me and then we went inside his house. His house was extremelly beautifully decorated.
- Your house is so beautiful. You have a taste in everything.
I said and he smiled.
The table was set for two people. He's so romantic. He had even candles. Okay maybe I wasn't the romantic girl type but that was unbelievable. Besides nobody has ever done such thing for me.
- It's dinner time.
He said and we headed towards the table. Okay my one question was does he know how to cook ?
- Something that I made to please you.
He said. Perfect he's not only the hottest kindest guy alive he also knows how to be romantic and how to cook. Well I knew how to cook either but cooking was not really my thing. I mean I could make the simple things but even these ones where not that tasty. He served us the dinner and we started eating.
- What do you think ?
He asked.
- It's very good.
I said and it was true. Well is there something that he can't do ?
- So mr. Bale you're good at everything you do ?
I asked him.
- Pretty much yes.
He said with a weird expression. I bet he was somehow thinking of sex when he answered that.
No he wasn't you just wanna find out if he really meant this.
The voice in my head said.
Why was I thinking about these things. It was just a date. It wasn't even obvious if he liked me.
- So when did you learn to cook ?
I asked him wanting to fill the silence once more. I think he wasn't ready for this question. He looked nervous all of a sudden.
- Well I learned in England. Okay there's no point of lying Adele tought me how to cook. We spend a lot of time together during my vacation in England. Oh Adele.
It was okay.
I reminded to myself.
Adele is his ex. They have a lot of stories together. You and Sergio have as well.
The voice in my head said.
It was true although my stories with Sergio didn't really have a happy end.
- Does that bother you ?
- Uhm bother me what ?
I asked.
- The fact that I talk about Adele.
- Of course not Gareth. She's your ex. I understand.
- You know Jane you are a really nice girl. Sergio is just.....
He wanted to call his names but he saw my reaction warning him not to.
- He's just not a very clever boy for letting you leave...
He said.
- Thanks. You compliment me all the time and I don't know how to respond.
- You feel awkward ?
- Kind of... I'm not used to it.
I admitted.
- Why didn't Sergio compliment you ?
- Sergio likes to compliment himself.
I said. Well it was true.
- What about your father ? Fathers always pamper their daughters.
- Not mine.
I said as I remembered all the times he yelled at me when I did something he didn't like. He forced me to do always what he thought it was right without leaving me space to breathe. I didn't exactly love him. Neither loved my mom. They were all the time too critisized with me. I didn't like that.
Gareth changed the subject as he understood I didn't want to talk about this. We spend hours just talking and I felt better. I wasn't anxious anymore. After that he came with the dessert.
- Not something I have made.
He said.
- Try it.
He said and tried to feed me. But he failed because I moved a little bit and I ended up having chocolate in my lips.
- I think you have chocolate in your lips.
He said.
- Yes thanks for pointing out the obvious.
I said sarcastically.
- It's your fault.
I continued.
- Oh so if it is my fault let me clean it for you..
He said and he came closer to me. No he won't. He took my face in his hands and slowly he pressed his lips against mine. I couldn't move. I was paralyzed. He stopped to see my reaction and then kissed me again. But this time our tongues were tangled and the kiss was more intense. I was so ... I don't know how to express it. Gareth kissed me. Okay let me put that straight. Gareth Bale finally kissed me.
- You don't have chocolate anymore.
He said and I smiled.
- You have the best smile ever.
He said and grabbed my hand.
- Where are we going ?
I asked him.
- Yeah I'm sorry.
He said. He caught to clean his throte and then he asked me to dance with him.
- But Gareth I don't dance.
I said being afraid that he would consider my moves ridicullous.
- Neither do I.
He said but I knew he was lying. He was a great dancer. All of them were. They had done ballet lessons when they were younger because their couch told them to do so.
- Come on.
He said. He grabbed my hand. He turn the radio on in a slow song. I didn't like this kind of music till now. Because most probably I didn't have experiences with slow songs. Till now...
He hold me tight and we danced. The weird fact was that he was such a good dancer that I danced well as well. We stared each other in the eyes and he kissed me again. A lot of times. And I smiled every single time because I knew it.... I knew that I was kissing the right guy....

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now