Chapter 36

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I felt like I've been watched by someone. After Ellen left I knew. Akon was there. He stared at me from a table across the cafe. I tried to avoid his gaze since I was afraid of what he would do. He slowly came to my table.
- Hello Jane.
He said but I completely ignored him. He laughed with my reaction and then he continued.
- What feels like to be alone and left behind by everyone ?
He said that because he saw me staying here while the others went to the airport.
- I don't know Akon. You tell me you have a lot of experience since Ellen left you.
I replied sarcastically.
Akon got really mad and I got really scared but I tried not to saw it besides he couldn't do anything here the cafe was crowded and everybody could see him. Akon looked around to see if anyone was staring at us and then he grabbed forcefully my head.
- Listen bitch I never ever ever liked you and I never will. You are a freak like you always were. Don't mess with me cause I swear you'll regret it.
He said and stand up to leave. Then he turn back and looked at me.
- You don't know me Jane. I'll always consider the fact that I broke up with Ellen your fault. Once you get on my shitlist there's no going back.
He said and left.
Okay I wasn't afraid of what Akon said anymore. He threaten me so ?
I really didn't give a damn. He can do whatever he wants with his life. I had bigger problems indeed.
I began my way home. I found Sara on the halfway and we got till our houses together. Sara was never a best friend of mine but she was always a friend. We had done some crazy stuff together since we know each other from kindergarden, but Sara was always best friend with other girls. There was a time when Ellen, Sara and I were really close but then Sara had more fun with another girl and our relationship cooled a little bit. Apparently Sara was going to come to Italy as well but she was leaving tomorrow with her sisters. I reached my house and I immediately went to my room. I called Gareth in skype wishing he hadn't left yet.
- Jane.
He said happily.
- I hope I don't interrupt you.
- Well actually I'm on my way to the airport. I'm going to meet with the entire team.
- Oh okay then we can talk later.
- And what if I want us to talk now ?
He asked with a cunning smile on his face.
- You drive Gareth it's dangerous. I don't want you to get hurt.
I knew he had left his phone on the co driver's chair because I could see that.
- I won't Jane. Don't worry.
He said and I felt better for some reason I can't explain.
- I arrived.
He said dissappointed.
- I promise to call you as soon as possible. I already miss you.
- I miss you too baby.
I said and I was about to cry.
I really missed him. I wanted him to be here. We haven't spend a lot of time together since the day we finally got into this realationship.
- I love you.
He said waking me up of my thoughts.
- I love you more.
I said and a tear dropped in my cheek... why was I acting like that ? He was only going to Italy we would be together in less than two days.
- Don't cry Jane. We'll meet again soon.
Okay I'm not sure if I was crying because I missed him or because I was afraid that something would happen to him. I guess both.
- You're right. We'll meet again soon.
I said and dried my tears.
-I have to go. Bye. Take care. I love you.
- I love you too.
I said but he had already log out since he had to pass a lot of checks. I tried to calm my nerves since they were starting to take the best of me. I closed my eyes just for a few seconds when I heard someone knocking at my door.
- Come in.
I said although I wanted to have some alone time right now.
- Jane...
My father appeared in my room.
- What is it dad ?
I asked and sat in my bed.
- I want you to get dress and come downstairs.
- And why is that ?
- I have a bussiness appointment that if goes good we'll be in a very good financial situation.
- Oh okay I'll try my best.
I reassured him.
- Yeah thank you. You're an angel these days.
I brought you free tickets for you to watch your favourite team live of course I am an angel ausshole.
- Okay dad. Just give me a minute to get ready.
- Okay better hurry. And one more thing he will come here with his son I think is the same age as you. He studies in your university.
- Oh okay cool.
I said wanting to see which was the mysterious guy I already knew. I got dressed really fast trying to look good so that my dad could take this uhm bussiness.
I heard the doorbell ring and my dad opened the door. I looked down the stairs before I headed downstairs. And I saw the mysterious guy. Oh my God. I knew him. I have talked to him a lot of times. I had fought with him. I didn't like him and he didn't like me.... It was .... It was Akon.

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now