Chapter 42

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- Landing is always the most afraid thing in airplanes.
Sara said as she hold my hand.
- Are you afraid ?
I asked not able to believe it.
- A little bit....
She said.
- Okay that's weird.
I said looking at her.
- Even the bravest girls are a little bit afraid sometimes.
She said closing her eyes.
- You ? Brave ? I don't think so.
I said laughing.

After a while the plane was finally landed and we were officially in Italy. I wanted to post a photo of us here in Italy but Gareth would see it and I didn't want my surprise to fail.
- What now ?
I asked Sara as we finally got out of the airport.
- Well firstly we should find a taxi to drive us in our hotel cause honestly I have no idea where this place is.
We found a taxi pretty fast as they had all parked in front of the airport. Sara told him where he should leave us. I looked outside the window in amazement. Italy was as beautiful as I had heard it was. Well Milano I haven't seen the other cities but I'm pretty sure they will be as beautiful as Milano. I couldn't wait to go sightseeing and take photos of all these places. I always liked that.
- Happy ?
Sara asked smiling at me.
- Yes I don't know what to say Sara... thanks a lot.
- You must be kidding. Everybody would do this.
- Yeah but you're not everybody...
I said smiling back at her.
- You guys are acting as if you're flirting. Are you ?
Nicki asked trying to hide a laugh.
- Could you please not pay attention to us ?
Sara said looking at her.
- I wish I could. But you're acting weird.
She said laughing.
We laughed too.
After a couple of time we finally arrived at our hotel. I spotted Gareth's hotel because it was exactly next to ours.
- Perfect timing. They have practise.
Sara said complaining as she looked at her phone.
We went to the reception and asked for our rooms. They had booked two rooms one for Nicki and the other sister that never came and one for Sara.
- Take my room.
Sara said.
- I'll be with Nicki.
She explained.
- No this was supposed to be your room. I'll stay with Nicki.
- But she's my sister.
Sara said trying to look offended but failed. After a lot of discussion I agreed to take her room which was the right decision because the balcony had a view on one of the balconies at Gareth's hotel. If this was Gareth's balcony I could die but I know I'm not that lucky. I called my mother to tell her that I arrived so she wouldn't worry. I called Gareth as well but he never respond.
How could he ? He's at the practise you know.
I said to myself. Sara knocked my door. I opened it and came inside smiling.
- We are going to have dinner at the reception. Will you come ?
She asked.
- Yeah but firstly I want to take a shower.
I replied.
- Sure we are going to take a shower too.
- Sara look at the view of my balcony isn't that amazing ? Who do you think stays there ?
- Oh I hope it's Gareth....
She said looking at me awkwardly. I understood by the look on her face what she was thinking.
- If James stays there we will change rooms.
I reassured her.
- Okay.
She said leaving.

After half an hour I was ready to have dinner with both girls. I wore shorts and a t-shirt and I just brushed my hair. I looked at the mirror. Well I wasn't that ugly..... not to say I liked me.
Finally I was starting to like myself. I headed down to find the girls while two boys at the reception were staring at me. I finally gained my confidence. I spotted Sara and Nicki who they were laughing at something. - Hey girls.
I said and sat next to them.
- Hey Jane you look.... different.
Sara said.
- Have you done something to your hair ?
She asked again.
- Not really.
I replied brushing my hair with my fingers.
Sara looked good as well. Her combination was darker than mine and she had big beautiful brown eyes. Nicki was a lot like her. They were both sweet girls.
- Boys will come back soon. I called James.
She informed me.
- That's good.
I said looking at my phone. If they have finished their practise why was Gareth not calling ?
- Uhm you know Jane there's something I forgot to tell you. We have elongate our time here in Italy. So we're not leaving on Sunday but on Friday.
- Friday ?
I asked not able to hide my surprise. That meant.... In a week ?
- You can leave earlier if you want but you have to check in for a ticket besides the tickets are expensive.
- No I don't have a problem with that. I want to ask Gareth when does he leave....
- Sure if you tell him early then he could change his ticket....
- Omg they arrived!
Nicki screamed looking at the window. I saw the whole team they were laughing all together except from Gareth he was doing something at his phone. Then my phone started vibrating. It was a call from him. Okay I think it was the right time for the surprise now.... I went outside of the hotel and answered to his call...
- Can you tell me why you're busy Jane and you can not respond to me ?
Gareth said instead of hi when I picked up my phone.
I didn't answer I went closer to him.
- Jane why don't you respond where are you ?
- I'm behind you. Turn around.
I said and he turned around looking at me shocked.

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now