Chapter 34

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- And then I did this free kick and I kind of injured my ankle but it's okay it's nothing we should worry about....
Gareth said as we were discussing our days on the phone. I called him again as I promised. We were already talking half an hour and he hadn't mention anything about the I love you thing that happened just an hour ago.
- What about your day Jane ?
- Same boring routine...
I answered as I played with my hair.
- I can't wait to see you tomorrow Jane.
He said.
- Me too.... and I can't wait to watch the final on Saturday. I'm sure you'll win.
I said. I was sure that they would win because as I have been informed they will play against Atletico Madrid which was also a good team but I think Real was better. Besides it seemed like this saison was their lucky one although they lost La liga. Well I did some research because I realized I couldn't date Gareth without knowing the basic facts about football....
- Me too. I'm excited.
Gareth said.
- Gareth... I want to thank you again about everything you did but.... I just don't feel right when you do that.
- You mean for what I paid ?
- Yes... please don't do it again. At least not without asking me....
- Okay Jane. I understand.
He said.
- And one more thing....
I said bitting my lip. I wanted to ask him but I was afraid of his answer...
- Yes...
He said and his voice was kind..... of sexy.
- When you said you loved me previously you said it because you meant it or because I said it and you didn't want to hurt me ?
He didn't respond for a while then he said:
- The question Jane is if you meant it or you said it by accident.
He said sound serious.
- Okay I said it in a hurry but ...but I mean it Gareth. I always loved you in  a friendly way..... Now.... I just love you not in a friendly way.
I said. It was true. I hope I had dated him instead of Sergio. I guess mistakes are for humans.
- So you don't have to question if I love you Jane.... I always loved you.... but never in a friendly way.
He said and my heart melt. How could he be so cute ? He's just everything I want. He's so perfect. No flaws.... no ... nothing. He's just the dream guy for every girl and the fact that I'm the lucky girl makes me happier than ever.
- I have to sleep. Morning training tomorrow and then we go to Milano.
Yes of course. Tomorrow was Thursday. Ellen would go as well tomorrow because she will dance at the opening of the final. I should greet them all tomorrow.
- Okay go to sleep. Good night.
I said.
- Good night. I love you.
He said.
- I love you too.
I replied.
I shut my phone down and looked at the ceiling laying in my bed. My father and I would go to Milano on Saturday and come back on Sunday. I prefered it like that. Besides I couldn't skip my classes. It was my last year in university and then.... Then I'll have to make some great changes in my life. I should find a place to live.... on my own cause I can't stand my parents anymore. I wanted to watch the final for once in my life I was excited about football. I wonder if Adele will come... No no way. Of course she won't. She is no longer dating Gareth and she is not a madridista. Besides Akon won't go neither so what's the point ? Then a really annoying question came to my mind. Was there a possibility that Bessy would come ?
She will.
I answered automatically.
She's Sergio's girlfriend. I swear I wasn't jealous not at all. But I don't think that she is the right girl for him. I don't know...... something's wrong here....... I don't know what..... but.....
It doesn't matter. What was Sergio doing was none of my businness indeed. If he wanted to date her then he has the right to date her. I decided to have some sleep since it was late and tomorrow was the greeting's day.

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now