Chapter 80

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I sat next to Aaron in the game. He wasn't playing because of him having already two yellow cards. He waved at me when he saw me and I could see he was kind of upset. Before the start of the match I asked him where was Mia.
- She is preparing herself because she has to take interviews after the game.
Aaron said but I think something was bothering him.
- Yes, the interviews.
I said as I remembered that because Mia had already told me.
- How are you ?
He asked me and his question took me by surprise.
- Fine.
I said smiling.
- I'm sorry that Mia upset you.
- She didn't.
- No need of pretending Jane. I know what happened.
He said looking straight.
- Gareth told you ?
I asked him although I couldn't believe that Gareth would ever do such thing.
- No. It happens to know my girlfriend.
He said emphasizing the word girlfriend.
- That's good I guess.
I said not knowing what else should I say.
- She has some psychological issues you know.
- What ?
I asked him because he surprised me once more.
- Nothing serious. She's not crazy. She is just attached to everything that once happened in her life. She can't move on.
- I'm sorry for that.
- No need to. She'll overcome it one day.

The match finally started. Gareth played great and he missed a lot of chances. Because of me sitting next to Aaron I was in the screen a lot of times. I didn't really liked that. The first half ended with none of them having scored.
- They'll lose.
Aaron said.
- Wales ?
I asked.
- Yes, although I think they were better in this half.
- Yeah, I think that too.

The second half begun. Gareth lost again a lot of chances and so did Portugal. Until Cristiano scored.
- No!
I screamed while Portugal fans were celebrating.
- If they don't score now. They'll lose for sure.
Aaron said being dissappointed. Unfortunately Portugal scored again which meant that the match was not going the way we hoped.

The match ended. Portugal made it to the final. They deserved it. They have a better team. Gareth was talking with Cristiano. He waved at me smiling and I smiled back.

- Hi.
Gareth said hugging me.
- You were great.
I said trying to cheer him up.
- Well, I could have done better. Thanks for all the support Jane. It means a lot to me.
- You're most welcome mr. Bale.
I said kissing him.
We were outside the stadium while Gareth waited his teammates so that they would go to the hotel.
- I'll miss France.
He said looking at me.
- Me too. I don't want to go back to Spain.
I complained because it was the truth. I dreamt of me being more than four days here.
- You don't have to go back to Spain. Unless you have checked in.
- No, I haven't. I didn't know for how long would I be here so I didn't.
- Perfect...
He said smirking.
- What ?
I asked him.
- Come with me to Wales.
- What ?
I asked him shocked. Was he serious ?
- You've heard me. I want you to come with me. Everything is funnier when you're around.
He said making me smile.
- I can't Gareth.
- Why not ?
He asked.
- I have to go back. Besides I'm not prepared for it.
- Do you want to come ?
Gareth said looking at me.
- Of course I do.
- That's the important thing. Think about it. I'll come to your hotel tonight.
He said and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

- That's the thing Ellen. I don't know how to tell my father that.
I said to Ellen while we were chatting via Skype as I waited for Gareth to come.
- What if I talked to him ?
She asked.
- No way. She will never take me seriously again.
I responded.
- Jane you are an adult. You don't have to ask your parents for everything you do.
- Er...I have since they still pay for my living.
I said sarcastically.
- You can't miss a chance like that because of your parents. And what a lucky bitch you are! I should have dated Gareth.
I laughed. She was referring to the fact that he was Welsh whereas Isco was spanish....poor Ellen.
I laughed to the thought again.
- What's so funny ?
She asked.
- Nothing. I have to hang up. Gareth is coming over tonight.
- To....sleep with you ?
Ellen said looking with curiosity at me.
- Yes, Ellen. To sleep with me.
- Don't act as if you don't understand what I mean.
She said raising an eyebrow.
- He also slept here yesterday.
I informed her.
She looked at me with an open mouth.
- Well, seems like someone has fun in France.
Ellen said winking at me.
- I've already told you Ellen. We just slept.
- And you expect me to believe that ? Poor Jane.
- It's the truth.
I said.
- Yes and I just sleep with Isco too.
- No, you don't.
- There you go mrs. Smith.
She said winking at me again.
- Whatever....
I replied.
- It's okay Jane, you don't like discussing these kind of stuff.
- Nope.
- Fine. Good night then. Have fun....
She said winking at me and before I manage to answer to her she had already hang up.

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now