Chapter 107

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- He won't expect it!
Ellen screamed being excited as every time someone was organizing a party.
I nodded smiling. Indeed Gareth won't expect it. And he thinks that I forgot his birthday.
- Thank you Ellen. You're the best.
I said hugging her.
- You know that we also helped.
Isco said looking at me.
- Of course I know it. Thank you so much guys.
I said smiling at all of them but avoiding to look at Sergio. I knew he was staring at me the whole time while we were making the last preparations.

We were almost ready. The plan was that I should bring Gareth here without him realizing what we were up to. Yeah, a surprise party again.
- Hello baby.
I said and kissed him.
- Hello Jane. Why are you so happy ?
- I'm not.
I replied although it was obvious that I was excited.
- Okay, so where are we going ?
He asked while following me.
- You'll see.
I responded.
We headed to the place Ellen had rented for this special night.
- What is it here ?
He asked before I opened the door.
- To tell you the truth. I have no idea. Ellen said that you had to discuss about the team with the other footballers.
I said and that was not a complete lie since they had to do something like that later this month.
- Jane, wait. Although you obviously don't remember it...I want us to do something special tonight since.....
I interrupted him by opening the door.
- Surprise!
Everybody screamed as we enter.
Gareth looked at me.
- Happy birthday!
I said and he kissed me.
The guys clapped when he kissed me and I smiled. Nothing could destroy that moment. Well, nothing except Sergio's look.
He was angry.

- I'm going to take another drink.
I informed Gareth as I left the table in which we were almost all sitting there.
- Okay.
Gareth said kissing me.
- Enough with the kisses lovebirds.
Ellen said laughing.
I walked to the bar to take something to drink. Sergio was wearing his coat.
- You're leaving ?
I asked him and I blushed.
He's wearing his coat, you idiot, it's obvious that he's leaving.
I thought to myself.
- Well, yes. I've got....stuff to do.
He said looking at me.
I nodded.
- See you then.
I said.
He smirked.
- Enjoy your party.
He said leaving.
I stayed there looking at him while he was leaving. He was sad, but I knew I had made the right decision. I knew that he didn't deserve another chance.
- Good night. Thanks for coming.
I said while greeting the last ones to leave.
- We should clean.
Ellen said.
- I've already hired someone to do it.
Isco said kissing her.
- Enough with the kisses lovebirds.
I said copying Ellen's words.
She throw a balloon at me.
- You're such a faker Jane. You are kissing Gareth in front of all of us but you don't like it when we do the same.
- Shame on you Ellen.
I said throwing the balloon back at her.

Gareth and I arrived outside my house.
- I thought of us having more time together.
I said dissappointed. Indeed that's what I thought.
- We have this morning training tomorrow.
He said.
- Yeah, I know.
I said and then I remembered.
- What ?
Gareth asked noticing my expression.
- I forgot your present.
I said and I gave him his present that I had on my bag.
- Thank you Jane.
He said.
- You're always welcome.
I said smiling.
- But you shouldn't have done this. I told you again. You don't work.
- Come on Gareth. It's your birthday.
I said and he opened his present. A watch. It was beautiful and Ellen insisted that he would like it.
- It's beautiful. Thank you Jane.
He said kissing me, his tongue searching for mine.
- Why can't we stay together tonight ?
I said because that's what I was expecting since this day started.
- I wish we could Jane. You really can't imagine how much I wish we could.
He said kissing my forehead.

After some more kisses he let me go inside my house. I waved at him from the window. I checked my phone. I didn't have any new messages but I kept rereading Sergio's. I knew him. If he had the guts to say something like that knowing that we both had a relationship then he had the guts to make this happen. And I was afaid. Part of me knew that I loved Gareth and I would never, ever cheat on him. But here was another part of me that liked the fact that Sergio was rejecting his girlfriend to win me back. I shouldn't make these kind of thoughts.
I went to my room, locking my door and wearing my pajamas. I knew that I shouldn't be confused but sometimes I wonder how would it be if I had heard Ellen and had given Sergio another chance before ending to a relationship with Gareth. But that was the problem. I didn't want to do so then. So why should I want that now ?

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now