Chapter 5

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Marcel’s POV

“Hey Marcel!” she says.

“H-Hi.” I said.

We both ate and spent some time together. We went to the school garden where we lie down on the grass and read our books. Later on, I broke the silence between us.

“Sydney, can I ask you a question?” I ask.

“Yes, what is it?” she says.

“W-Will you be m-my g-girlfriend?” I say nervously.

She looked at me in the eye and furrowed her eyebrows. I began to sweat as she giggled and cupped my face with her hands.

“Yes Marcel, I would love to!” she said which left me sighing in relief.

“YES!!!” I said in a loud voice rolling on the grass to lie down beside her.

I finally had the guts to lift her by the waist and turned her around. She giggled as I put her down. I wrapped my arms around her waist and her arms on my neck.

“I love you.” I say.

“I love you too.” She says.

We both hugged each other as soon as I felt guilt. My heart is battling with my chest. I asked her to be my girlfriend because I love her not because of popularity! Later on we pulled away and I pressed my lips on hers. It’s the very first time I did this to a girl!!

*annoying school bell—really moment sabotage


We both went off to our classes. She sat beside me as Mr. Bolton, our Dean, came in the class.

“Okay class, I just wanted to inform all of you that next week’s your prom night. Now, find yourselves partners and hopefully, you’ll look your best.” He says as he taped a note on the board informing us about where, when the event will be done.

I looked at Sydney and came up to her.

“Sydney, will you be my prom date?” I say as she flashes a smile at me.

“Of course.” She says as I sigh in relief.

“I’ll promise I’ll look my best.”




*text from Gemma—she’s back!!!

*school bell—UGH!

*Going to my house with Sydney.

“Babe, I want to introduce you to my sister.” I say as I walk her up to out front door.

“Are you sure she’ll be okay with me?” she says nervously.

“I’m sure.” I say as we both went in the house.

There I see Gemma on the couch watching TV while eating ice cream.

“DING-DONG!” I said in a loud voice.

Gemma turned around and saw me. She ran up and jumped on me in a hug.

“Marcel! I miss you!” she says as she saw Sydney “Who is this pretty girl?”

I put her down and held Sydney’s hand. Gemma turned to us furrowing her eyebrows as Sydney smiled shyly.

“Gem, this is Sydney—my girlfriend.” I say.

Right now, Gemma jumped at Sydney in a hug and the both fell on the floor. I helped them out concerning if Sydney’s hurt or whatever. Well, Gemma of course. I’m an evil brother.

“I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! By the way new look huh??” she says as she pinch my cheeks.

“Yeah, cool huh?” I say as she rolled her eyes.

“Well come on, I made dinner!” Gemma says as we both went on to eat.

We ate and I ask Gemma if I could leave her in the house for a while coz I’ll be driving Sydney home and meet her siblings again to let them know we’re in a relationship. I drove her to her house and I met her siblings again. She finally introduced me to them as her boyfriend.

“Listen bro, if you hurt or make my sister cry once, remember I’ll hurt you 10 times worse than you’ll ever imagine. Oh wait, make it 11 times worse to make it different.” Andrew says as he pointed at Marcel.

“I—I promise.” I say sweating.

Later on, Mandy excused the both of us to have a private conversation outside.

“Listen Marcel, as Sydney is our youngest sister, please, I beg you to take care of her. Ever since our parents died, she kept on cutting herself and she makes an excuse that she wants to be with them. Now that you’re her friend, she stopped it. She stopped cutting herself, she finally learned to laugh again and she returned to her old self again. I just wanted to tell you how happy Andrew and I are. Promise us you’ll do nothing but care for her okay?” she says as my heart melts.

Now I want to puke. Her siblings learned to love me but they’ll certainly hate me again for breaking their youngest sister’s heart. I just nodded and we both came back. I see Sydney fixing the flower vase and I approached her.

“Mandy didn’t say anything embarrassing right?” she says wrinkling her nose.

“No, in fact, she even complimented you.” I say smiling.


Later on, we went outside as I got ready to leave.

“Keep your safety bro,” Andrew says playfully slapping my back.

“Thanks,” I say.

“Remember our conversation okay? Keep safe.” Mandy said patting my shoulder.

“I will,” I say as Sydney went closer to kiss my cheek.

“Be careful out there babe. Bye.” She said as I smile.

“Bye,” I say and went off.

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