Chapter 9

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Marcel’s POV

Weeks later Sydney came back. It was almost the end of the school year and we both have good grades. It’s time for graduation. We got into the school venue and Sydney and I wore our togas. Mum and Gemma were there for us and Mandy and Andrew as well. They took pictures of us and whatever. I’m graduating as a valedictorian. Sydney, since she just transferred here, she only received the first honorable mention and some gold medals in sports and academic contests. All the students went up and down the stage and received their diplomas. I was called up the stage to give my speech as the valedictorian.

“Good day to everyone. I just wanted to share something to you. I experienced a lot of events during this school year. I had new looks, new friends, and a new person part of my life. I am very happy to have this kind of an achievement and I give my thanks to our God, my family and our co-graduate who is the person part of my life, Sydney Montez. It’s not that easy to achieve this kind of mention, but it would be much easier when you have someone there for you. I used to think that I would be much better when I work and study alone but I thought wrong. No man is an island. Now, I just wanted to thank everyone who helped through this journey of my life. Thank you all for the inspirations and I encourage all of you to work harder for a brighter future. Thank you.”

As soon as I finished my speech, everyone in the venue started to applaud. I got down of the stage and met Sydney.

“That was a great speech babe! I’m so proud of you!” she said hugging me and kissing my cheek.

“Thanks,” I said.

Sydney got in a high university in Australia and I immediately applied for it too. Luckily I passed the exams and we both got in. Right now, I looked around to see the people who changed my life: my teachers, Sydney’s siblings Andrew and Mandy, my family and Sydney herself. I can’t wait what future holds between me and my hoped-to be-future-partner, Sydney.


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