Chapter 7

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Mandy’s POV

Andrew and I unexpectedly saw Sydney crying. We banged up to her door but she won’t listen. Later on, we heard the door bell ring. When we opened it, we saw Marcel panting. Andrew immediately fisted Marcel’s tux and got ready to punch him.

“What the hell did you do to my sister?! I thought we already talked about this?!” Andrew shouted at Marcel as I break them apart.

“Andrew stop now! Marcel, you better give a good explanation or else—”

“I do have an explanation! Please, just let me talk to Sydney!” Marcel said as teardrops trickled down his cheeks.

“She won’t even talk to us. Tell us what the hell you did to Sydney?!” Andrew said.

“It’s like this. Days ago, the jocks asked me if I want to be part of them. I just nodded not expecting that they would dare me to have a relationship with Sydney and break her heart in front of many people. I courted Sydney because I love her not because of that stupid dare! The night of the prom went bizarre. When the dance was about to start, the jocks wanted to talk to me so I left Sydney for a while. The jocks told me that I should tell all the people it was all just a dare but I won’t. I told them that I really love Sydney. Now Josh, the captain of the football team told me if I won’t do it, he’ll be the one to do it. That’s why I ran up to Sydney and begged her to go home immediately until Josh went up the stage and told the whole story. Before I could explain to Sydney, she ran away and took a taxi. I’m really sorry. I know I’m such a jerk but I really loved her. I swear.” Marcel said as teardrops trickled down his cheeks.

I never knew he could do such thing. We all stayed silent until Andrew broke it.

“Listen, I told you never to hurt my sister. You broke your promise. I’ll try to talk to my sister about your explanation. If she’s going to forgive you, Mandy and I will excuse your trespass. If she’s not, then, I’m sorry for you.” Andrew said as he stood up and went upstairs to his bedroom.

“Look, you should go now. I guess if I’ll tell Sydney the whole story, she would understand.” I said patting Marcel’s shoulder as he cupped his face with his hands to cover the tears.

“I hope she would.” He said.

I made him go home and I walked upstairs to my bedroom as well to get some sleep.


Andrew and I woke up early and cooked breakfast. We saw Sydney coming down from the stairs with her ripped off dress, messy hair and red puffy eyes but Andrew and I pretended to not notice it.

“Sydney, you’re awake! Come on let’s have breakfast—”

“I want to go back to Australia.” Sydney cut me off.

Andrew and I stayed silent and looked at each other.

“Sydney, Marcel came here yesterday night and told us his explanation about—”

“I don’t care about Marcel. I hate him. I want to go back to Australia. I miss Luke.” She says sniffling.

“No, Sydney if you’ll just listen to Marcel’s—”

“No! I hate him! I never wanna see him ever again!!!” she said in a loud voice and sniffled.

“Fine,” Andrew sighed “When do you want to go back to Australia?”

“As soon as possible.” She said and finished off her meal.

Andrew and I sighed in disbelief and already planned to book Sydney’s flight to Australia next week.

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