Chapter 8

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Marcel’s POV

Sydney didn’t come to class in a week. I’m all full of guilt right now. I feel the world is on my shoulders right now. I started to worry about Sydney so I called Mandy or Andrew but they won’t answer. Then I visited their house and only found Mandy present.

“Where are they?” I ask as Mandy looked down.

“Sydney wouldn’t listen. Andrew didn’t allow me to answer your calls.” She said.

“I understand. I just wanted to see Sydney.” I say.

“You can’t.” she said frowning.

“I know I can’t but maybe just this once—”

“She’s not here anymore Marcel. Andrew drove her off to the airport. She’s going back to Australia. Our family’s broken—again.”

I can’t believe I just ruined a family’s life.

“When will she be back?” I ask.

“She won’t come back. She’s going to stay with her best friend Luke. Listen, if you can’t make her forgive you, well, I’m sorry but I guess her best friend can have her.” Mandy said as she closed the door leaving me frozen.

She’ll never come back. She hates me. Her best friend will have her—NO!!! I love her too much to let her go!! I immediately ran to my car and drove off to the airport in full speed. I arrived at the airport and looked for Sydney and Andrew. I searched and searched and searched until—a plane took flight. I froze and stood still watching the plane. My first love, first date and first friend, Sydney Montez is gone.

“Marcel?” a familiar voice called me from behind.

When I turned around, I saw Sydney carrying bags. I quickly ran up to Sydney and I was about to hug her but I stopped in a distance knowing she still hates me.

“I’m sorry. I can really explain about what happened—”

I got cut off when she ran up to me and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around her torso and hugged her tightly. We pulled away in a few seconds but we still had our arms wrapped around each other.

“Look, I got totally embarrassed in prom night but it wasn’t your fault. Andrew told me everything so I’m not going to kill you but I’m just going to kill Josh. If you do that to me in your own plan, I swear, I’m going to rip off your neck and Andrew’s going to be the one to pluck out your eyeballs, got that?” she said as I chuckled and pressed my lips on hers again.

“I promise. If I’m going to do that to you in my own way, let Mandy bury me in the forest as well.” I said as we both laughed.

Flight to Australia’s ready for flight.

“Do you still need to go?” I said frowning.

“Yeah, the plane ticket’s expensive you dork! Besides, I’ll be away for a few weeks and I’ll be back. I miss Luke.” She said which made me to look down.

“You love Luke, don’t you?” I said.

“Of course, he didn’t embarrass me in front of many people right?” she said which made me blush in embarrassment and guilt “Just kidding! I love Luke coz he’s my childhood friend. I promise I’ll be back.” She said pinching my nose.

“Okay, have safe flights” I said.

She hugged me tightly once again and pressed her lips on mine. She carried all her bags to the plane and waved at me goodbye. I surely would miss her. But the fact that she forgave me, every tear was worth it. My first love, first date and first friend, Sydney Montez, is back in my arms.

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