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{Sam POV Next day}

Grandma and Grandpa both decided to let me stay at the lab for safety reasons.I packed my bags and Grandpa and I teleported to his lab.

"Do you want to stay in your Dad's old room or Uncle Papy's old room" Grandpa asked.

"Dada's, and after I set up the room can we make cupcakes!?"I asked.

"Sure!"He replied.

I quickly ran into my room and set my bags down then I ran to the kitchen giggling.I stopped giggling when I looked into the kitchen.Grandpa was fighting the man that almost killed me.

"Sam, run! As fast as you can go to Aunt Chara! Go!"Grandpa said slowly losing his strength.

I did as told and ran, I ran through the Underground where Grandpa lived and through the tunnel.I ran to the bottem of the mountain.I was so tiered but I could hear the man.I ran as fast as I could past the forest to the kingdom.I saw a woman with red hair.

"Help, I need to find a girl with Brown hair rosy cheaks, and a green and yellow striped shirt."I said crying.

"Don't worry I'll teleport you to their home"The girl said.

She picked me up and we teleported to a house.She put me down and knocked on the door.Mettaton answered.

"Ton Ton!"I cried hugging Mettaton.

"Thank you Riley darling"Mettaton said.

The woman teleported away.Mettaton brought me insid and set me on the couch.

"Darling~ What's wrong"Mettaton asked.

"Need aunt CharChar!"I cried.

"Chara come down here its an emergency!"Mettaton yelled.

Chara rushed out of her room and saw me.

"Sam!?"She exclaimed as she ran to me.

"What's wrong tell us darling" Mettaton said.

"Grandpa Gaster, he was getting hurt by a man that looked like Dad. Grandpa told me to run so I did.I ran all the way here until I saw a woman with red hair, she brought me here."I explained more neon blue tears streaming down my face.

"E.S...."Chara muttered.

"Him...."Mettaton muttered.

{?? POV}

Wow, he did very well. With Gaster injured all we need to do is control Sans.He is the only on besides Gaster himself that can bring people in or out of the void.I will soon gain a body and soon be free I can feel it.Gaster was smart to take the hit and tell the girl to run.Wha-t-the what why do I sence Gasters health going up.How this isn't posi-.

"Yes it is"Gaster said."If you have family and Friends all filled with determination willing to help all in need and kill who is need to be killed, unlike you..."

"How cab we speak in the void....this was never possible"I asked.

"What is your name..."He asked.

"My name is....."I said.

"Well, what is it"Gaster asked.

"I'm not that stupid, i know you see the future"I said.

"But I don't hear what is your name" He asked.

"Not telling unroll I have my full power"I said.

"Stubborn Arnt you"He said.

"Leave or come and let me leave"I said.

"I'll leave..."He said then I wasn't able to speak again.

{Chara POV}

I hugged Sam and she cried into my sweater.

"Mom and dad will be back in two days, for now we will keep you safe" I said.

"I will stay up all night I don't need sleep"Mettaton said.

"Okay....thanks"I said.

"Speaking of bed time I think its turning eight"Mettaton said.

"Put her to bed I'm telling Asriel about this"I said.

Mettaton carried Sam upstairs and into Mettatons room.I went to Asriel's room so we could figure out how to deal with this.I told Asriel and we both had no clue what to do.We both sat there thinking and I soon fell asleep.


Word count: 657


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