Betting and Loosing

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"You lost," Kisa told me and had a smile on his face.

"S-Senpai!" I blushed, I hate loosing to Kisa-Senpai. He's always planing something evil."Please don't let it be that bad!"

"I can't promise anything." He said as he dug in his backpack.

"Why can't I ever learn not to bet with you," I mumbled to myself.

"Oh hush, you love me." He teased and pinched my face. "Cute." He said.

"S-Senpai!" I blushed harder.

He pulled out a book, which he calls the Book of Bets. He listed all these bets that he won in and now it's a book. Most of those bets were about me loosing and have to do stupid things.

"I even warned you that I was correct that Akiko would definantly go out with Ichiro." Kisa said as he looked out the window to see the new happy couple.

"I don't keep up with love," I grumbled.

"Poor Richan. Well, lets see what I have installed for you." He smiled devilishly.

He might look like a freshman like me, but he isn't, he's a senior and incredibly two faced. The only reason this side of him is shown to me was because I asked him to show me one face instead of multiple fake ones.

"I'm afraid to find out." I admitted.

"You'll love it. We just have to get a few things." He smiled and pulled out a black bag.

"What is that?" I asked, a little afraid of the answer.

"Your side of this punishment." He smiled."Now I need Kimi to let me borrow a dress."

"DRESS!?" I nearly shouted.

"Duh! you're going to the Fairy Tale Prom." Kisa smiled.

"F-Fairy Tale?" I asked my eyes widened by the shock of this news that caught me off guard.

"But this isn't going to be enough is it?"

"It isn't!"

"How about this. Since the dance is tonight. Come to my room and I'll get you fixed up. And once we go to the dance, I'll tell what you have to do." Kisa smiled evilishly.


"No but's! You lost, my win. You fallow that order." He said.

I kept my mouth shut and felt my face turn red to the color I shouldn't be in.

"Aww, cute little Rit-chan is blushing," Kisa teased.

"S-Stop it!" I nearly shouted.

"You will thank me later," Kisa said and got up from his seat and left the classroom.

"Why would I?" I asked when he left. Then I fallowed him from behind.

A Cinderella Plot (Sekaiichi Hatsukoi Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now