A Nice Trip in the Library.

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Thank you MisjaBerries for helping.

I was bored, so I took my normal route to the library.

"Don't leave!" I heard Kisa shout.

I mean, who wouldn't know his voice?

He ran to my direction and before I knew it, he bumped into me.

"The hell?" He said, then saw me."Saga! Long time no see." He smiled.

"Kisa," I said as I looked down at him.

"Hey, by any chance. Are you going to the Fairy-Tale Prom?" Kisa asked.

I nodded.

"Good, I have someone special for you to meet." He smiled.

"Again?" I asked.

"Come on. Just give it a chance. You might like this one." Kisa pleaded.

"What are you planning?" I asked him.

"I'm planning something." He answered.

"Wow....that's really helpful." I said sarcastically.

"I know right." He smiled, then he ran off.

I don't trust him. But I shrugged and went to the library.

Already used to the daily routine I have. I got a book I read weeks ago and headed to my normal spot, not really into the book I constantly read. So I studied my environment. Couples secretly meeting up in the corners of the library, bookworms consumed by books in the tables, and a large number of girls with cameras on their hands.

I crossed my arms together, wondering why my life ended like this. Being someone that they call Eye Candy and have a fandom and stalkers. For gods sake they have a club called Masamune's Club. I didn't make it, I don't plan on knowing what they have in there. If I see one of them in my dorm room, that would be disturbing and not-so-surprising.

I let out a heavy sigh and rubbed the temple of my head. Earning a headache just thinking about it. If someone wants to be me, please just do it. I need a break.

For some reason, I looked to my right, getting a glimpse of chestnut long brown hair. Yet disappearing through the shelves.

I'll regret this, and my excuse is that I'm putting back a book, so I'm good.

I got up, and walked to the person that got my attention.

Ritsu's P.O.V

I snuck to the library. Kisa managed to get the freaking hair to not come off, and it pisses me off that I had to wear the uniform for girls. With the damn padding, I already fooled myself when I looked in the mirror. Along with the dumb make up.

I actually come to this aisle and hide, it has my favorite books and no one comes here a lot.

I still had my blush, it never went away. So I'm dressed s a girl and am blushing like an idiot.

Sighing at my traumatic hours, I looked at the shelf and tried to find the book I always read.

"Wierd," I mumbled.'It's not here,'

That's when a hand brushed against mine and the cover of a familiar book appeared. My book! I looked at the owner of the hand, and blushed.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know you read these too." I blushed and got my hand on my chest. Like a girl would do.

"You read these?" He asked, showing the cover clearly.

A Usami Akihiko novel. Of coarse I would read them. I'll admit, their weird, but the plot is interesting. He slowly handed it to me, once I was about to receive it, he pulled it back.

"Are you a stalker by any means?" He asked.

I glared at him, then let the anger leave as I breathed in and out.

"No, I want the novel by Usami Akihiko. Hand over the book," I said pulling out my hand, the other on my waist to show that I'm serious.

Surprised by my behavior, he showed a small smiled and handed over the book. Our eyes met, just for a minute.

"Now that wasn't so hard was it?"  I asked.

"Not really, but your expression was intriguing." He said, his eyes looking me up and down. I bit my lip.

Is he checking me out? Are all guys such dogs?

"You're a jerk," I blurted.

"And your seductive," he said as he had me cornered.

Wait......how am I cornered?

"How am I seductive?" I asked as I clutched the book closely.

"Although. You look so innocent. Yet you have the hunger in your eyes, the biting of your lip proves you want something. Am I wrong?"

My blush deepened and my gaze was showing pretty much shock.

"Y-you are!"

"You hesitated," he answered quickly.

My blush deepened.

"Whatever! Who would like a jerk like you!" I nearly shouted. Stomping off to the doors.

"Why are you mad? Because I'm telling the truth?" He asked, a few steps behind me.

I huffed and shut my eyes.

"No, I'm mad that you think wrong of me. Im not sed-"

I felt myself pale as my eyes quickly opened, realizing I'm falling. Fear struck and I squinted my eyes shut, and tried to huddle myself together. But I felt something soft and warm. A scent of regular shampoo and pine trees tickling my nose. Seconds passed and I realized I'm not falling, I felt warm arms around me and I opened my eyes to see a white buttoned shirt. I blushed as I met the owner.

"So your clumsy as well," he said, taking a note of it clearly.

"S-shut up!" I shouted and pushed myself away from him.

Walking down the stairs with a heavy drumming of my heart and high heat running on my face. Not embarrassed blush, but something else.

I can't tell what it is.

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