Dance with the HeartBreaker

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"Why am I doing this?" I asked.

"I can't have a date who can't dance." He said, his hand brushing mine.

Is it weird to say his hands are really soothing to me?

"I never really said yes," I said.

"Then again, I never heard a no." He smiled as he put both his hands on my waist, making me blush into a deep shade of red.

"What do you think your doing?" I asked him, trying to glare at him.

"Teaching you hot to dance. Its easy." He smiled.

I let out a sigh, and fallowed his lead.

He danced one way, I fallowed.

"You're not bad," He said.

"Well th-"

Then I tripped, damn these shoes, and then he caught me. A position so familiar it's cheesy.

I blushed and had a hold of him. Then I blushed harder as I realized how close we are.

"You are really interesting." He said in a low voice that it's sexy.

Wait.......did I just think that?!

"I'm not interesting." I said.

"Yes you are," he insisted.

I got to my feet and put a distance between us.

"How am I interesting?" I asked. Blushing, forgetting I have to be a girl to win this bet.

"You will shout," he came closer to me. "You don't care how I think of you." Closer. "You have put a distance close enough for me to notice, but far enough so I can't touch you." He said, putting his arm around my waist and pulling me close."You'are like nothing I ever met." He said, staring at my eyes, the windowsill to my soul.

"What if I'm not something you want me to be?" I suddenly asked, surprising myself.

He smiled. And the put his other hand on my cheek, caressing it.

"You already are something." He said, and then put his lips on mine.

My body felt numb that I started to slip, making him have a grip on my. This is bad. He thinks I'm female. But these thoughts mudled in my head, something I read but never felt.

Is it really love? Or just admiration?

He held me tighter, making the kiss heavier and deeper. A light moan leaving my mouth and air running low. I remember that I tried to push him away, but instead my hand was clutching his shirt.

I-I can't do this. This is wrong. Its lying. Its-

"Woah, somethings happening." I heard someone say.

Saga pulled away and looked at the guy.

" Can you go cockblock somewhere else?" He asked.

"Cant do, break ended a minute ago." He said.

"Make the break longer." Saga said, pulling away from me, making my body turn numb and an ache of hunger reach to the surface.

"Nope, it's already 15 minutes. Cant make it any longer than that." He explained and set down a box filled with plates and paper cups.

Saga saw me, a 'girl' that had blush everywhere and in a green dress.

"Right, this is...Oda," Saga said.

Oh yeah, Kisa said that was my name.....I am going to murder him when I win this.

But.....part of me feels guilty, and the thought of hurting Saga is hurting me. But it's a pain I never felt before.

What is it?

"Hey, I think I've seen you before." He said.

I blushed and started to sweat.

"I-I don't think I met you before." I said, hoping he'll buy it.

"Oh yeah-" he pulled out his phone and pushed on it several times. Then showed me the screen. "You'are the girl that Saga saved earlier." He said.

I sighed, then looked at the picture. I was on Saga, clutching to him with eyes shut and blushing. He was staring at me with......with such care...such longing. A smile on his face. And also the angle is good, but Still!

"Why did someone take this?" I asked.

"Well this guy, has a fan club. So he has stalkers." He explained.

I felt myself turn pale. I am screwed if any of those fans found out what happened.

"Well, I don't care about anyone else. I already have someone in mind."Saga said. Which I felt a pang of pain.

"Well, I need some air." I said, then handed Yukina his phone."Thank you for teaching me. I'll see you later." I said.

The reason why it hurt, I guess because he fell for someone who isn't me. Just someone he thinks it's a dream.

I can't breathe, I need air.

A Cinderella Plot (Sekaiichi Hatsukoi Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora