chapter 8 Springtrap

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Springtrap's POV
I asked marionette " where is Goldie because I never got to finish what I started when he was still human...😈" Then to my surprise Mari said he didn't know. So I decided to make him mad and said " why wouldn't you know where he is after all he is your crush..." Then I saw marionette blush and say "N-No I d-don't have a c-crush on him!"

TC and Mangle: ooh Mari has a crush on Goldie😙😙😝

Goldie's POV
I teleported to where everyone else was and saw springtrap over by Marionette and Mari was blushing then I heard Vixen and Toy Chica yelling "Mari likes Goldie Mari likes Goldie Mari likes Goldie!😙😙😝"
Then when Mari saw me he walked away to his box. He looked sad he was sitting in front of his box watching Springtrap then he would look over at me sometimes. Then Fred yelled at TC and Vixen to "Shut Up!" Then the girls looked at me and then Mari and ran off with foxy then bonnie and bon bon were talking. Freddy and Fred came over to me and asked me if would like to come with them to play a game with the others. I said sure. So I fallowed Freddy and Fred too a party room. Everyone was there including springtrap but he was tied up and powered off. Then TC said "we are playing truth or dare..." Toy Chica went first.

When everyone was in the party room I told em that we are playing truth or dare. And I said I would go first. I asked Vixen truth or dare. And she had to say truth. So I said "is it true that you like foxy?" I could tell that she was blushing. She mumbled "yes." Then I saw foxy blushing. And Foxy kissed vixen's cheek. Everyone WS starring in awe.

No ones POV
Then Vixen asked Bon Bon truth or dare. And Bon Bon said dare. All of a sudden TC and Vixen had a smirk on their face. Vixen dared Bon Bon to kiss Bonnie on the lips.
Bon Bon was blushing so was Bonnie. Then Bon Bon asked Goldie truth or dare and Goldie said truth. And TC yelled "darn it! I wanted her to dare you too kiss Mari..."
Then Bon Bon said is it true that you like Mari? Goldie was blushing a little and...

Goldie's POV
I said "truth" and when I was about to answer...

You'll find out what happens in the next chapter. sorry this chapter was really random. I would write more but I need to leave. Until next time my children


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