Chapter one

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Draco POV

It's been eleven years since my mate went missing. And only recently have I realised I loved him. I still do.

After Kovus disappeared, Tom and I spent years looking for him. Tom was so grief stricken he abandoned the whole wizarding world. He only returned last year and fought with Harry Potter. We searched high and low for Kovus, but all traces of a Kovus Riddle had been erased.

Tom says he remembers opening the front door, suddenly getting blasted with a spell, a man walking past him- Dumbledore walking past him- then fighting some members of the order. To his credit, Tom held his own against three trained wizards, before they dissaparated. Afterwards he ran to Kovus' bedroom, to find he wasn't there.

I've been going to Hogwarts since I was eleven. First I wanted to make friends with Harry Potter. He reminded me of Kovus. But then he rejected my handshake, and I discovered that Dumbledore wanted him to kill Tom. We've been enemies ever since.

Instead I made friends with Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini. There were two others- Crabbe and Goyle- but they were more of followers than friends.

I was so excited to go to Hogwarts. I thought I might find Kovus there. But there's no Kovus Riddle at Hogwarts- not even someone who looks like him. Dad said that Dumbledore would have erased his memory and put heavy glamour on him. The thought made me sick. My mate doesn't even know who he is.

I just miss him so much. Everyday I regret not being there when Dumbledore broke in- not being there to protect him. I'm his mate- I should have saved him! I just want him in my arms again.

Harry POV

Sometimes I feel as though I'm not meant to be me. As though I'm in the wrong body. Like I wasn't supposed to be Harry. Of course I can't run away from myself.

Every night I have the same dreams. About a young boy called Kovus. He has a caring father and a mate who loves him but their faces are blurred. I wish I was that boy. He doesn't know how lucky he is.

Occasionally when I wake up I feel a tug. A pull towards something. Like something's missing. I just wish I could fill that hole.

In Hogwarts, a small fraction of it disappears. I feel almost at home here. As if there's something- or someone- here who fills the void.

"Kovus!" I hear my father call.

"Coming dad!" I bound out of bed and run into the arms of a man whose face is blurred.

"How you doing Ko?"


"Good! We want to be on top form for your mate!" The doorbell rings and I jump up.

"He's here!" I run to the door, occasionally pausing to wait for my father. We finally reach the door and there stands a boy whose face is also blurry. I jump into his arms. "Hi," I say.


"Come on!" I take the boy's hand, and lead him to my room.

When I wake up, I'm crying. I want that little boy's life so badly it hurts. I don't understand why I have to dream of him every night.

I get out of my bed and throw on the invisibility cloak. I tiptoe out of the room and through the common room. Eventually I end up at the room of requirement. I pace along the wall three time, wishing for the gap to be filled. A door appears, and I push through.

On the other side is a plain black room. A boy with platinum blonde hair kneels down, his face in his hand and his body racked with sobs. He doesn't seem to notice me.

"Where are you, Kovus?" I hear him mumble, and start. How does he know that name? I throw off my cloak.

"How do you know that name?" The boy looks up abruptly, and I see with a start that it's Malfoy.

"What are you doing here Potter?" he scowls.

"Answer the question."

"Why should I?"

"Listen Malfoy," I spit his name. "I have a right to know who that boy is. I've been having... Dreams about him. I need to know who he is!" Malfoy looks shocked.

"Kovus was- is- Kovus is my mate. He's been missing for eleven years. Why have you been dreaming about him? Do you know where he is?" He seems almost pleading, but I don't focus on that. Suddenly the face in my dreams becomes clear. The boy is a four year old Draco.

"No. I'm sorry."

"How do you know him?"

"I don't. I've been dreaming about him for as long as I can remember..."

"Well if you're not going to help me, you may as well leave."

"I'm sorry about your mate, Draco." I turn and walk away.

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