Chapter ten

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Laure POV (gasp)

When you find your mate it's supposed to be magical. There's meant to be a spark that makes you think 'I want to be with you forever'. You're meant to fall in love with them, eventually. Finding my mate is not like that.

My mate was meant to be a handsome, pure blooded boy from our side. That's not who my mate is at all.

I look at my best friends and smile. We're about to board the train for Hogwarts, with Draco and Kovus. It's the first time I'm going- Mother and Narcissa had been teaching me, Sophie and Jess from the manor. But now we get to go, to help the boys with the plan. That's not my only reason though. I'm also going to find my mate.

I sit in a compartment with Sophie, Draco, Kovus and Jess. They are talking animatedly, but all I can think about is who my mate could be. What if they don't go to Hogwarts? What if they're in Gryffindor? What if they're in HUFFLEPUFF? What if I'm in Hufflepuff? Good god, what am I meant to do if I'm sorted into Hufflepuff, or worse- Gryffindor? Even Ravenclaw would be a disgrace.

The ride goes by in a flash. I'm daydreaming for most of it. Then all too soon Draco is leading us through the grounds, towards professor McGonagal's office. He knocks on the door.

"Come in!" a voice calls from inside. We step through the door, and are greeted by an older woman with despicable style.

"Professor? These are the students- Laure, Sophie, Jess and Vik."

"Thank you Mr Malfoy. You may leave now." Draco grins at us, winking subtly at Kovus, then walks out. "Welcome to Hogwarts. First of all you will be sorted. Please excuse me a moment whilst I retrieve the sorting hat from professor Dumbledore's office." Kovus flinches at the name, but McGonagal doesn't seem to notice. She steps out of the room.

When she returns, she holds an old-looking hat.

"Vik first please. Place the hat on your head." Almost before the hat touches his head, it cries;


"Now Jess." She walks up and gingerly places the hat on her head. After a few minutes, it says, less confidently;


"Sophie." Of course I'm left to last. I walk up to the stool with the hat on it, trying to maintain a little confidence, when I hope against hope I'll be in Slytherin. I place the hat on my head, an immediately a presence invades my mind.

"Miss Lestrange's daughter," the hat says. "How surprising. I suppose you'll be a... Oh certainly.Your mate's in Slytherin, after all." I can almost hear the smirk in its voice.

"My-my mate?"

"You don't know? Sorry, I'm afraid I can't tell you. But I will let you be in their house. It must be-"

"Wait! Who's my mate?" But it's too late.

"Slytherin!" The hat says aloud. As I take the hat off my head, my grin is fake.

Draco is waiting for us outside.

"Why d'you have to come after Christmas, you guys? It would've been so much easier if you had joined at the start of the year," Dray jokes. "You're all in Slytherin right?" We nod. "C'mon. I'll show you to the dormitories." Draco leads us down a few staircases until we're in the dungeons. Everything is made of stone, and the warmth seems to have been drained away. He stops abruptly.

"Here we are. The password is 'nos sunt in serpentes'. Now let's go to dinner. I'm starving." We walk up to the great hall and sit at the end of the Slytherin table. I notice that Kovus, who is sitting opposite me, keeps looking over my shoulder, with a sad look in his eyes. I turn and see he's looking at the Gryffindors. Mudblood, Weasel and Weaselette are talking, shear panic in their eyes. I smirk. It's because Harry's disappeared.

But then I look back at Kovus and the look on his face breaks my heart. I whisper what's going on in Draco's ear. He nods, standing up and going around the table to Kovus. He says something inaudable, then helps him up.

"We're going to go, meet us at the common room, okay?" We nod, and the boys walk off. That's when I remember that my mate is here. They're in this very building, perhaps in this room. Maybe even on this table. My fingers begin to drum on the table. I tap my foot quickly. I look up and down the Slytherin table, trying to catch someone's eye.

"Just go already!" Jess says finally. "Go find them!" I smile in gratitude, leaping up.

I run to the bathroom, leaning over the sink. I splash water in my face and fix my dirty blonde hair. Suddenly the door bursts open.

A/N I debated continuing this, but then I though, ha no I'm mean! So I've taken your suggestions and Laure is officially going to be gay! I have a new character with a tragic backstory all ready so get ready!

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