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Draco POV

My mate lies on the cold stone floor. Tears pour from his eyes and the wound in his leg seeps blood. I feel a tear trace down my cheek.

I pull Kovus onto my lap, not caring about the blood. He buries his head into my stomach.

"Don't let me die here, Dray," he murmurs.

"Help!" I yell. Kovus is shaking, turning paler and paler. "Please! Help me!" And then I'm shaking, or rather being shaken.


My eyes dart open and I breathe heavily. It was a dream, just a dream. (A/N I got at least one of you there didn't I?) Ko leans over me, panic in his eyes.

"Are you okay, Dray?"

"F-fine." But I'm not. I'm shivering, the memory of the nightmare still etched into my brain.

"Do you want to talk?"

"Not yet." Kovus nods, pulling me onto his lap. I bury my head in his chest and breath him in. Ko fiddles with my hair, twirling the longer strands around his fingers. He kisses my head softly.

"Come on, baby, let's go eat." We join Sophie, Jess, Laure and her friend Annie (ABBI) at the Slytherin table. I notice that Laure seems to glance at Annie (ABBI) every ten seconds, and whenever she's not, Annie (ABBI yeah okay you get the point) glances at Laure. Annie doesn't seem to eat much, in fact, she barely eats at all. But maybe it's her culture or something. Like she's used to having breakfast much later.

It's only when Ko takes my hand under the table that I realise I haven't been eating either.

"Eat something, Dray. You'll be hungry if you don't." I nod, pulling my hand away from his, but his left hand stays on my thigh. It takes all my self control not to blush.

"Stop that," I mumble.

"What?" he says with mock cluelessness.

"That." But he just moves his hand higher up my leg. He smirks at me, and continues his conversation with Sophie. I can't tear my eyes away from his hand. It's about a third of the way up my thigh. If it went much higher it would be...

When I feel it drop, I look up at Kovus. He looks heartbroken. I follow his gaze, and realise he's looking at the Gryffindor bitches and bitchboy. They're laughing, without him. They don't even seem to care that 'Harry' is gone. I look back at my mate, and see the sadness in his perfect eyes. I grab his hand under the table and give it a light squeeze. He turns to look at me, and I hear his words 'I really thought they were my friends'.

"Come on baby," I whisper, my lips grazing his ear. "Let's go."

In the common room again, he bursts into tears. I wrap my arms around him.

"Don't cry, baby. They're not worth it."

"I-I heard what they were saying."


"That- that they were only friends with me because Dumbledore made them. That they were only doing it for the money."

"I'm so sorry, Ko." I pull him closer.

"I'm just being stupid. I wouldn't want them as friends anyway. I've got you, and the girls. They don't deserve for me to miss them."

"You're so strong, Ko. Stronger than I could ever be. It's one of the reason why I love you." He pulls away from me, eyes wide. It takes me a moment to register what I said, but as soon as I realise I curse myself. I just told Ko that I love him. Out loud.

"Did you just..."

"Ko I didn't-"

"I love you too."

"You-you do?" He nods. "I've loved you since we were three. I may not have realised it, but I did."

"I have too. Maybe not as Harry, but I couldn't have. But I love you now. With all my heart." I feel like crying. Like weeping for joy, for the single reason that the Kovus Riddle loves me. The boy I've loved for as long as I can remember loves me back.

"Oh my god." Then our lips are pressed against each other, moving in sink, tongues battling for dominance. After winning, I run the tip of my tongue along his bottom lip before pulling away. I place kisses along his jawline, trailing down his neck.

"Tease," he mumbles, but still arches his neck to give me more room. On the spot where his neck meets his shoulder I suck slightly, and pull on his skin with my teeth. He moans, and I smirk.

I pull away from him, walking towards the staircase leading to the boys' dorms.

"Night, Ko," I say. He simply stand in the middle of the room, mouth slightly open.

A/N I didn't even do what I intended to do for this chapter! Oh well you got fluff instead. Do we like this level on intensity? Please comment more (basically smut) or less (innocent pecks and stuff).

Gorgi xx

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