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Harry's P.O.V

For Draco to walk away so calmly not even with a fight is weird but the fact that he isn't interfering with anyone is even scarier. After the long train ride, tons of confused face people started to make their way to the carriages that would lead is up to the castle, everyone except one person well actually two. Molfoy and Zambini stayed behind the crowd of bustling student until everything thinned out and they was able to walk freely without interacting with anyone. The last carriage was about to leave when two new occupants boarded with us, two occupants I would rather die than seat with, Molfoy and Zambini.

Ron got on a high horse cursing many curse words at them but they just stayed in the corner not even looking our way. Then something happened that change my views on things.

"Your dirty death eater self should be in azkaban getting reading to be giving the dementors kiss", Ron said to a overly baffled looking Molfoy.

"Yes I would have to side with Ron on this one", me and Harmanie said in union. Then it happened, the one thing I thought I'll never see, Molfoy broke down in Zambini's hand crying his eyes out.

Zambini was wispering sweet nothings into Draco's ear trying to calm him down but that didn't happen because he started hyperventilating and a fricked out Blaise was shaking his shoulder trying to calm him down.

The next thing I know is that Draco was passed out and Blaise was trying to wake him up.

Blaise's P.O.V

They was saying so many bad things about him but what got to him was when Potter agreed that Draco should get the dementors kiss.

The minute the carriage stopped, I made my way to the hospital wing at full speed trying to wake Draco up but it wasn't working. I burst through the doors with Granger, Weasley and Potter right behind me. Madame Profome came and took Draco from my hands running multiple tests on him.

"Lack of nutriton, low blood pressure, malnutrition and lack of sleep has finally decided to take its toll on him it seems", she said with a confused look on her face when Granger decided to but in.

"Is he gonna be alright?",she asked and that's when I lost it.

"After you send him in post tramatic stress you give a damn, after you were at his neck for six years you care, after you Potter refused to be his friend in first year you give a damn about him now, know what just puss of and leave MY DRACO alone before I get irated with you and hex all of you into next week!!!",I just couldn't stand it anymore.

Potter and his little cronies was so shocked either by my outburst or the fact that I said my Draco was grating on their minds.

Harry's P.O.V

I was beyond shock to say the less but want was most shocking was when Zambini said that Molfoy was his. That was a shocker and to say we fled when we got tratened was a understatement. The look in Zambini's eyes was one of death and I didn't want to see if he was keeping to his words.

At the great feast a pale almost death like looking Molfoy walked into the great hall and the minute he sat at the table and saw the food he rouse with a panicked expression with a hand clasp against his mouth and dashed for the door with Zambini hot on his heels. It was so out of character for him that everyone turn to watch his retreating figure and then started wispering about it. This was going to be strange some how.

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