Let The Games Begin

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    The games for this season was not going to be entertaining at all. why, well its simply because Draco that pregnant fellow was expecting and though he wants to play, his over protective friend and the terrible duo was keeping him away from anything dangerous so he was out of the question. The golden trio has been suspected to have gone missing so Harry and Ron would not be able to play for there house.

   The first match of the session was between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw and it was not o exciting. The most anticipated match of the year was between Slytherin and Gryffindor but the seekers for both house had more pressing matters on their mind so they had no intention of player this year.

    With the dark lord more angry than ever because his favourite enemy was missing and terrorizing  this pitiful mud-blood just wasn't appealing anymore. He was sat on his throne with nagini was by his side hissing her displeasure to her master. He could understand her displeasure but he could do nothing to please her. He smiled and called one of he fateful death eater and took him to his chambers. Many said for the night you could here high pitched cries and soft cruel moans.

    The boy wonder and friends have just set up their tent for the night and was settling down to have dinner. Dinner that night was a quiet and cold affair. The food was all canned and it wasn't nice. The beans was cold and sogge and the bread as not helping it. Thinking that he had have enough, Harry told his friends good night and retired for the night.

    Draco was going for his nightly round of chocolate and strawberry milk, next to him was Fred who wouldn't stop talking. He was fond of the guy, after getting to know the twins he understood why so many people liked them. When they arrived at the kitchen, Draco got his usual from the elves and Fred just sat watching him. They conversed for a while then Draco, and Fred, retired to his room where they meet up with George and Blaise and went to bed.

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